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丝绸,包括“真丝绸”和“化纤绸”。笔者所讲的丝绸业,是指以蚕丝为原料的丝绸。老祖宗传给我们的丝绸,源远流长,在几千年的历史进程中,教会了我们种桑养蚕、缫丝织绸,得到了长足的发展。就说新中国成立到现在,也经历了快速的发展。1949年,蚕茧的产量只有30 915万t,白厂丝1 440 t; Silk, including “real silk ” and “chemical fiber silk ”. The author of the silk industry, refers to the silk as raw silk. The silk that our ancestors passed on to us has a long history and has been well developed in the course of thousands of years of history and taught us to plant silkworms and reeling silkworms. He said that since the founding of new China up to now, it has undergone rapid development. In 1949, the cocoon production was only 30.915 million tons, and the white silk factory was 1 440 tons.
Background Neurophysiologic monitoring during surgery is to prevent permanent neurological injury resulting from surgical manipulation. To improve the accuracy
目的探讨白介素-2治疗恶性胸腔积液有效性和安全性。方法恶性胸腔积液患者51例,用中心静脉导管胸腔内灌注生理盐水20 ml加白介素-2200万u,3d次/,连用4-6次。结果白介素-2治疗
China reported 18 543 new cases of HIV carriers and 4314 cases of full-blown AIDS in the first half of this year.Two thousand and thirty-nine people died of th
本文对重氮材料的双组分材料的干法显影、湿法显影、加热显影、电解显影和其他显影方法作了介绍,同时也介绍了单组分材料显影和其他一些显影方法。 In this paper, the dry
Background The peripheral enhancement of small hepatocellular carcinoma (SHCC) is a rare appearance in dual phase images by helical computed tomography (CT). Th