一次可怕的飞机失事并没有熄灭多丽娜心中的强烈渴望,那就是成为一名飞行员。飞行的快乐 1998年8月4日,巴黎附近的南吉机场上空一片阴霾,但多丽娜·布尔奈通的脸庞却像映照在阳光下一般容光焕发。这位年轻的女飞行员坐在截瘫患者乘坐的轮椅上,慢慢地在一架小型赛斯纳飞机周围转来转去,检查所有的部件是否都完好无缺。她的手指快速滑过机身,从螺旋桨到尾翼,动作中透出些许柔情。“在空中,我能重新找回活动的自由。”她说。她一下子从轮椅跳到了驾驶座上,动作轻盈得
A terrible plane crash did not extinguish the strong desire in the heart of Dolina, that is to become a pilot. Flight joy On August 4, 1998, a haze over Nanji Airport near Paris, but the face of Dorina Bulneneton was generally radiated in the sunshine. Sitting on a wheelchair paraplegic, the young woman pilot slowly turned around a small Cessna aircraft to check if all the parts were intact. Her fingers quickly slid over the fuselage, from the propeller to the tail, the action revealed a little tenderness. “In the air, I can regain freedom of movement,” she said. She suddenly jumps from the wheelchair to the driver’s seat, light action too