
来源 :安徽体育科技资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:majun913
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当前,各项体育运动水平越来越接近,表现在竞技场上的争夺也越来越激烈。在田径比赛中表现也更为突出。据国内外一些体育运动专家认为:“运动员比赛的成功率70%归于其它方面,而30%应属于心理因素。”从国内外一些重要比赛中也可以看到,在双方实力相当的情况下,心理因素往往起着极为重要的作用。我们知道,心理战术是运用人体本身的能力去战胜对手而采用的一种方法。心理战术的运用是建立在身体素质和技术的基础上的,运动员在掌握了技术,良好的身体素质和坚强的意志,才能有效地贯彻和运用心理战术。随着身体素质和技术水平的不断提高,促使心理战术运用更广泛、更有效。同时,心理战术的运用又反作用于身体素质和技术的发挥,而合理的心理战术运用,不仅能充分调动运动员的积极性和创造性,从而促进运动员的身体和技术的发挥,同时给对方造成心理上的混乱、以致判断失误,破坏身体和技术的正常发 At present, all sports levels are getting closer and closer, and the competition in the arena is getting fiercer and fiercer. In the track and field competition is also more prominent. According to some domestic and foreign sports experts, “the success rate of athletes is 70% attributable to other aspects, and 30% should be psychological factors.” We can see from some major domestic and foreign competitions that under the conditions of equal strength between the two sides, Psychological factors often play a very important role. We know that psychological tactics are a way of using the body’s own ability to defeat an opponent. The use of psychological tactics is based on the physical quality and technology, athletes in possession of technology, good physical and strong will to effectively implement and use psychological tactics. With the continuous improvement of physical quality and technical level, the psychological tactics are used more extensively and effectively. At the same time, the use of psychological tactics reacts on the performance of the body and technology, and the rational use of psychological tactics can not only fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of athletes, thereby promoting athletes’ body and technique, while giving each other a psychological Confusion, resulting in misjudgment, damage to the body and technology of the normal hair
成绩增长表: 1971—5.05米 1972—5.02米 1973—5.35米 1974—5.38米 1975—5.60米 1976—5.62米 1977—5.66米 1978—5.62米 1979—5.61米 1980—5.78米波兰撑杆跳运动员弗
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摘 要:自上个世纪起,外国文学作品开始走进我国高中语文教材,为中学生开启了一扇与世界文学接触的大门。近年来,选入高中语文教材的外国文学作品逐渐增多,在提高学生文化素养的同时,也出现了许多新问题。本文旨在通过对人教版和苏教版两个版本的高中语文教材中外国文学选文情况加以分析,提出对改善高中语文教材中外国文学选文现状的建议和思考。  关键词:高中语文;外国文学作品;外国文学选文;教学思考  中图分类号: