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Applying to Be a Soldier An old man applied(申请)to be a soldier.The sergeant(中士)asked him,“How old are you?”“Sixty—two”answered theold man.The sergeant said:“You know,you’re too old to be asoldier.”Then the old man said:“Maybe,it’s a little old to be asoldier,but don’t you need a general(将军)?” Applying to Be a Soldier An old man applied (application) to be a soldier. The sergeant (Sergeant) ask him, “How old are you?” “Sixty-two” answer the the old man. The sergeant said: “You know, You’re too old to be asoldier.”Then the old man said:"Maybe,it’s a little old to be asoldier,but don’t you need a general(?)
近几年来 ,秦皇岛市自来水总公司的档案管理工作发展很快 ,1 995年以来 ,以促进企业自身基础建设 ,规范企业档案管理 ,提高档案人员的专业技术水平为主要目的 ,总公司决心把
Once upon a time,there lived a woodman and his wife.They were very poor,and they lived in a cottage on the edge of a forest.Every day,the woodman would set out
I.单项填空1.Marx studied Engliish so__that he could write articles__Englisn__newspapers.A.good,in,to B.hard,with,forC.well,in,for D.diligently,of,to2.What do y
我曾经在一个百把人的农机研究所当科技秘书,建所时人手少,所长叫我兼管基建, 也就是盖房,研究楼、试验室、宿舍楼、食堂……“麻雀虽小,五脏俱全”。后来,在史无前例的动乱
An employer was very anxious to find the most intelligent of the three men who had applied for a job. So he told them: “Here are five conical hats. Three are