
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feimaocug
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经过十几年的农电体制改革,大部分地区成立了乡(镇)电管站,并在农电发展中起到了一定的作用.但是随着农村经济的发展,这种管理体制已难以适应形势的发展,存在的各种弊病也逐渐显露出来.结合江西形势,主要表现是乡电管站双重领导、管理混乱.由于行政上属乡(镇)政府管理,技术业务上属电力部门行业管理,这样一来,就出现了电力部门想管管不到.乡(镇)政府能管而管不了的现象.于是多数变压器实行承包,由农村电工自己管理.加上行政上的干预,很难摆脱人情电、权力电和关系电,管理就越来越乱.要改变这一状况,笔者认为只有实行行业管理,才是乡(镇)电管站的出路.实行电力部门行业管理后,必须做到管理上的“四统一”. After more than ten years of reform of the rural power system, township (town) power management stations have been established in most regions and have played a role in the development of rural power. However, with the development of the rural economy, such a management system has been difficult to adapt to. The development of the situation and the existence of various ills have gradually emerged. Combining with the situation in Jiangxi, the main performance is the dual leadership and management confusion of the village power management station. As the administration is administrated by the township (town) government, the technical business belongs to the power sector industry management. As a result, there has been a phenomenon that the power sector does not want to manage and the township (town) government cannot manage it. Therefore, most transformers are contracted and managed by rural electricians themselves. With administrative intervention, it is difficult to get rid of Human power, power and electricity, and relational power, management will become increasingly chaotic. To change this situation, I believe that only the implementation of industry management is the way out for township (town) power management stations. After the implementation of the power sector industry management, must be done To management “four unifications”.
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