Analysis of optical characteristics of modulation devices with square and circle pixels for 3D holog

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen0507
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With the development of the micro/nanolithography, the optic–optic or optic–electronic modulation devices with different pixel shapes and sizes can be used for three-dimensional(3D) dynamical holographic display. The influence of different parameters of the modulation devices on the image quality of the 3D reconstructed object is analyzed for two cases: the phase-only computer-generated holography(CGH) and the complex amplitude CGH. The results quantitatively show that the pixel shape of the modulation devices will affect the quality of the holographic image. The development of the micro / nanolithography, the optic-optic or optic-electronic modulation devices with different pixel shapes and sizes can be used for three-dimensional (3D) dynamical holographic display. The influence of different parameters of the modulation devices on the image quality of the 3D reconstructed object is analyzed for two cases: the phase-only computer-generated holography (CGH) and the complex amplitude CGH. The results quantitatively show that the pixel shape of the modulation devices will affect the quality of the holographic image .
目的:1、采用GE Revolution CT功能成像的全脑灌注技术,探究高海拔低氧环境下不同程度高原红细胞增多症患者脑血流动力学变化及受累部位的差异;2、GE Revolution CT全脑灌注技术
目的: L了解在高血压患者中,尿微量白蛋白和糖代谢与冠心病的关系。2.了解冠心病患者中尿微量白蛋白与糖代谢的基本情况;探讨冠心病患者中,尿微量白蛋白及糖代谢情况与冠状动脉
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