Effects of grain refinement on cast structure and tensile properties of superalloy K4169 at high pou

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcd_soft
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In order to improve the filling ability of large complex thin wall castings, the pouring temperature should be increased, but this will result in the grain coarsening. To overcome this problem, two kinds of grain refiners of Co-Fe-Nb and Cr-Fe-Nb ternary alloys, which contain high stability compound particles, were prepared. The effects of the refiners on the as-cast structures and tensile properties of the K4169 superalloy with different casting conditions were studied by analyzing specimens 110 mm long and 20 mm in diameter.Results showed that the mixture addition of the two refiners in the melt of K4169 can reduce the columnar grain region and decrease the equiaxed grain size greatly. After refinement, the amount of Laves phase decreases and its morphology changes from island to blocky structure. The carbides in the fine grain samples are fine and dispersive. Meanwhile, the porosity in specimens is decreased due to grain refinement. As a result, the yield strength, ultimate strength and the elongation of the specimens are increased. The grain refinement mechanisms are also discussed. To order this problem, two kinds of grain refiners of Co-Fe-Nb and Cr-Fe -Nb ternary alloys, which contain high stability compound particles, were prepared. The effects of the refiners on the as-cast structures and tensile properties of the K4169 superalloy with different casting conditions were studied by analyzing specimens 110 mm long and 20 mm in diameter . Results showed that the mixture addition of the two refiners in the melt of K4169 can reduce the column grain size and decrease the equiaxed grain size greatly. The amount of Laves phase decreases and its amount changes from island to blocky structure. The carbides in the fine grain samples are fine and dispersive. Meanwhile, the porosity in specimens is decreased due to grain refinement. As a result, the yield strength, ultimate strength and the elongation of the specimens are increased. The grain refinement mechanisms are also discussed.
(一)物以稀为贵:买点佛香好难    17年前,我开始创业,从事高级轿车美容,并掘到了我人生的第一桶金。但现在,我市的汽车美容店由原来的3家发展到大大小小上百家,竞争激烈,生意惨淡。我深深意识到:该转行了。于是,我开始苦苦寻找新的行业。一个偶然的机会在《知音》杂志上看到了“佛运来”的相关报道,我不禁兴奋得蹦了起来:这是一个不错的商机。  而与佛香结缘,还源于两次购买佛香的经历。去年春节前夕,老婆要