上海市第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议听取了上海市人民检察院检察长石祝三《关于开展查处偷税抗税案件专项斗争的报告》, 经过审议,会议同意这个报告。会议认为,依法查处偷税抗税违法犯罪活动,对于保障税收法规的正确实施,保证国家财政收入,维护社会主义商品经济秩序,具有重要意义。这次专项斗争要依靠广大干部、群众,重点打击数额大、情节严重的偷税犯罪活动和影响大、情节恶劣的抗税犯罪活动。纳税人要增强法制观念,自觉履行纳
At the third meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth People’s Congress in Shanghai, the report of Shi Zhuansan, Procurator General of the Shanghai People’s Procuratorate, on “Report of Special Campaign on Investigating and Treating Tax-evading and Tax-Resisting Cases” was heard and was approved by the meeting. The meeting held that investigating and dealing with tax evasion and tax-punishing illegal activities in accordance with the law is of great significance to ensuring the correct implementation of tax laws and regulations, ensuring state revenue and safeguarding the order of the socialist commodity economy. This special campaign should rely on the broad masses of cadres and the masses to focus on cracking down on tax evasion criminal activities with a large amount and in serious cases, as well as anti-tax criminal activities that have a large impact and are in a harsh plot. Taxpayers to enhance the concept of legal system, consciously fulfill satisfied