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中美教育考试合作协议的续签仪式于一九九三年十月二十六日在北京大学举行。中国国外考试协调处(CIECB)副主任马金科和美国教育考试服务处(ETS)副总裁罗伯特·奥特曼分别代表双方在协议上签了字。协议的主要内容是双方决定继续长期进行教育合作,‘托福’等项考试将长期保持,并使之得到改善。 中美双方关于在中国举办TOEFL、GRE考试的协议,是一九八一年签订的,后来又陆续增加了GMAT(美国管理学院研究生入学考试)和TSE(英语口语考试)等项目。十二年来,双方合作是成功的,共有二十多万中国青年参加这些考试,目前在全国二十七个城市设有近五十个考点。通过这些考试,为赴美留学人员提供了方便,促进了中美两国在考试工作中的交流。由于中美双方情况的变化,合作过程中也曾出现一些问题,例如因发现某些答卷雷同,美方曾对考试成绩的可信性提出异议。为适应新的形势,避免类似事件再次发 The renewal ceremony for the China-US Educational Examination Cooperation Agreement was held at Peking University on October 26, 1993. Ma Jinke, deputy director of CIECB, and Robert Altman, vice president of the US Educational Testing Service (ETS), signed the agreement on behalf of the two parties. The main content of the agreement is that both parties decided to continue education cooperation for a long period of time, and ‘TOEFL’ and other tests will be maintained for a long time and will be improved. The agreement between China and the United States to hold the TOEFL and GRE exams in China was signed in 1981. Later, GMAT (American Graduate School Entrance Examination) and TSE (English Speaking Examination) programs were gradually added. In the past 12 years, the cooperation between the two sides has been successful. More than 200,000 Chinese youths have participated in these examinations. At present, there are nearly 50 test centers in 27 cities nationwide. Through these examinations, it has provided convenience for students studying in the United States and promoted the exchange of examinations between China and the United States. Due to changes in the situation between China and the United States, there have also been some problems in the process of cooperation. For example, due to the discovery of certain questionnaires, the US has challenged the credibility of the test results. To adapt to the new situation and avoid similar incidents from happening again
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