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情感教育早在20世纪70年代就受到了人们的关注,但由于种种原因在我国的教学理论和实践中仍存在着较为严重的“重知轻情”的教学失衡现象,忽视了情感与认知不可分割的关系。当前,在新课程理念下,情感的内涵更为丰富。情感不仅指学习态度、学习责任,更是指乐观的生活态度、求实的科学态度、宽容的人生态度。正如列宁所说:“没有‘人的情感’,就从来没有,也不可能有人对真理的追求。”这充分说明了情感在人的智力发展中的作用。因此,加强学生在受教育过程中情感意志的熏陶,不仅能有效促进学生认知发展,提高学习有效性,开发学生学习动力机制,而且有利于学生健全人格的养成,对学生的终生发展都 As early as the 1970s, affective education received much attention. However, due to various reasons, there is still a serious imbalance in teaching theory and practice in our country, ignoring the emotion and cognition Indivisible relationship At present, in the new curriculum concept, the connotation of emotion is more abundant. Emotions refer not only to learning attitudes and learning responsibilities, but also to optimistic living attitudes, realistic scientific attitudes, and tolerant attitudes toward life. As Lenin said: “There is no man’s pursuit of truth without human emotion.” This fully shows the role of emotion in the development of human intelligence. Therefore, to strengthen students’ affection in the process of education can not only effectively promote students’ cognitive development, improve the effectiveness of learning and develop students’ learning motivation mechanism, but also help students to develop their healthy personalities and their life-long development