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几年来,我国的经济技术开发区遇到许多问题,这些问题若不研究解决,开发区的建设将无法继续发展。一、经济技术开发区现实发展的宏观背景应该承认,我国的经济技术开发区建设已经失去了早几十年世界其他国家、其他地区建设经济技术开发区的优越条件。从国际形势来看,出现了格局性的转变。首先,美苏关系缓和,经济联系增强。以“新思维方式”为推动力的苏联经济,正在谋求“一体化”和“广泛的国际合作”,并提出要参加“太平洋经济合作会议”的要求;其次,经互会与欧洲经济共同体从互相对立互不承认到握手言和,并建立了正式的关系:再次, In recent years, many problems have been encountered in China’s economic and technological development zones. If these problems are not studied and solved, the development of the zones will not be able to continue to develop. I. The Macro Background of the Economic and Technological Development Zones’ Realistic Development It should be admitted that the construction of China’s economic and technological development zones has lost the superiority of building economic and technological development zones in other countries in the world as early as several decades ago. From the international situation, there have been structural changes. First of all, the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union are eased and economic ties are strengthened. The Soviet economy, driven by the “new way of thinking,” is seeking “integration” and “extensive international cooperation.” It also proposes the requirement of participating in the “Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference.” Second, the economic cooperation between the ECLAC and the European Economic Community Opposite each other does not recognize the handshake, and established a formal relationship: Again,
对 Pb 在 Fe 液中溶解度的实验数据进行评述,从而选出合理的数值,再通过简单的热力学处理,求出其与温度的依赖关系.将此关系与凝固点下降公式结合,算出 Fe-Pb 相图中偏晶点的
1994年本刊曾发表一篇九四开篇的短文,阐述了《音响技术》杂志的办刊方向。历经两年,本刊每年迈上一个新台阶,受到广大读者的喜爱和上级主管部门的肯定。 In 1994, we publ
Today, micro-system technology and the development of new MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) are emerging rapidly. In order for this development to become
首先,感谢本刊的读者、作者及所有合作和支持本刊的朋友们,《音响技术》杂志每年前进一步,发 First of all, I would like to thank our readers, authors and all the friends