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丁香是名贵的香料,可以入药,也可以作为高档调味品用于菜肴。因其果实由两片形若鸡舌的子叶合抱而成,宛若鸡舌,故古时名曰“鸡舌香”。 丁香原产印尼马鲁古群岛,现在世界上产量最高的地方则是非洲坦桑尼亚的桑给巴尔,故桑给巴尔又有“丁香之岛”之称。 西汉时期,印尼爪哇使臣来华朝觐汉帝,口含丁香,吐气芬芳,国人感到很新奇。汉桓帝刘志当朝时,侍中乃存德高望重,长于谋略,得宠于皇帝。但他年老有口臭之病,汉桓帝和他说话时,常感到他嘴里有一股异味散发出来,很难闻,便赐他海外进贡的鸡舌香一颗,叫他含在嘴中。乃存感到有一股辛辣之味,很不好受,以为有什么过失,皇帝赐毒药让他自尽。他诚惶诚恐,不敢问也不敢吐掉,惶惶不安地等到下朝。回到家中,他哭丧着脸和家人诀别,一家大小哭哭啼啼。后来,家里人见乃存含了这东西那么久也没有死掉,都想用舌头舔一舔这颗奇怪的东西。乃存一吐出鸡舌香,顿时觉得齿舌生香,满口馥郁,才知道 Lilac is a valuable spice, can be used as medicine, but also can be used as a high-end condiment dishes. Because of its fruit from the two pieces of shape if the cocoon of chicken tongue embracing, like chicken tongue, so the ancient name “chicken tongue incense.” Clove Origin Indonesia Maluku, now the world’s highest yield place is Zanzibar in Tanzania, Africa, so Zanzibar another “clove island” said. During the Western Han Dynasty, Indonesian and Indonesian envoys came to China to honor the Han emperor, mouth with cloves, exhaled fragrance, people feel very novel. Huan emperor Liu Zhi Dynasty, paternity is highly respected, longer than the strategy, favor the emperor. However, when he was young and had bad breath, Han Huan emperor often felt an odor smelling out of his mouth when he spoke. He was very ill-smelling, and gave him a piece of chicken tongue incense to pay tribute to him overseas, asking him to contain it in his mouth. Existence is felt a spicy taste, very uncomfortable, that there is any fault, the Emperor gave poison to make himself. He was trepidated, afraid to ask nor dare to spit it out, panic until the next DPRK. Back home, he cried his face and his family farewell, a size of crying. Later, at home, people see the existence of this thing for so long did not die, want to lick this strange thing with your tongue. It is spit out a chicken tongue incense, suddenly feel the tongue and raw fragrance, full of fragrance, we know
1 蒜片、蒜粉选择成熟充分、瓣粒饱满、辣味浓香、个头肥大的蒜头。采后削去须根,剪去茎盘,浸泡1-2天,搓洗去皮,洗净晾干切成薄片,蒸气烫漂5分钟。采用远红外线干燥装置,装载量每平方米5-6
1.有盖的铁罐(纸盒、木盒、塑料盒均可),最好是罐盖做成透明式,可看到里面有没有蟑螂进入。或者把罐盖去掉,贴上透明塑料纸等。 2.在罐的边缘贴近底部之处开1个(或多个)约2.
夏季气温高热,阳气旺盛,人的食欲较差,在吃的方面应该注意些什么呢?首先应适当多吃的食物有: 一、多吃盐。夏季高温下人出汗多,而汗中98%至99%是水分,其余是氯化钠即盐,氯化钠
如今,社会步入信息时代,五洲四海变成了“地球村”,人类冲破时空的束缚,世界变小了。这是否给现代经理人的生活带来了更多的享受和便利? Nowadays, as the society steps into th
原料 净鱿鱼500g,笋片、黄瓜片各30g,油1500g(约耗100g),料酒30g,醋15g,盐2g,咪精5g,葱花、蒜片各2g,花椒油 Raw squid 500g, bamboo shoots, cucumber slices of the 30g,
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