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  Born in Jerusalem, the holy land of Christianity, Natalie Portman seems to be a girl blessed1 by god.
  There is no question that Natalie has always been a lucky girl. When she was only 13 years old, she defeated2 thousands of children and got the chance to act in Leon. In the following years, Natalie was also picked to take part in some movies as the leading actress, which won a great fame for her. Everything was so smooth3. It seemed that Natalie could enjoy her rest life, just relying on her beauty and luck.
  However, Natalie was not a blind girl. She knew she had to improve herself instead of taking things as they are. And she did it. She started learning ballet at 4; she tried lots of forms of acting; she graduated from Harvard University, the best university in the world; she studied in terrorism4 after acting in V For Vendetta, and gave reports about it in Columbia University.
  What Natalie learned really helped her was when she received the invitation to act in Black Swan. The heroine5 of the movie, Nina, is a ballet dancer and she spends most of time on practice. A new play, The Swan Lake needs two swan princesses, a white one and a black one. Nina was so hungry to get the chance to perform in it, so she created another herself in her brain. That meant Natalie had to show two kinds of characters, which were totally opposite. Besides, this role calls for superb dancing. It may be difficult for other actresses, but not for Natalie. She couldn’t be more familiar with ballet. What’ s more, majored in psychology6, Natalie could understand the characters deeper and control her performance better.
  With this movie, Natalie won the Oscar Award for best actress. Meanwhile, she also met her Mr. Right, Benjamin Millepied. You see, nothing could be that easy, even Natalie’s success was built on her diligence7. Apart from Natalie’s success, her devotion on protecting environment also has to be mentioned. She is a vegetarian, opposing8 animal fur and suggesting man-made materials. She even established9 her own brand, The Natalie Portman Collection, to encourage people to protect nature.   借由此片,娜塔丽获得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,同时,她也因此片而结缘了她的真命天子——本杰明·米派德。由此看来,世上没有什么容易的事,即使是娜塔丽的成功也是建立在她勤奋好学的基础上的。除却她的成功,更值得一提的是她为环保做出的贡献。娜塔丽是个素食主义者,她抵制使用动物毛皮,倡导使用人造材料。她甚至创立了自己的品牌“The Natalie Portman Collection”,鼓励人们保护大自然。
  Natalie has always been regarded as the second Audrey Hepburn till now. People like her, not only because of her perfect performance and beautiful face, but also due to her innocence and kindness. Many years ago, Audrey Hepburn was the walking angel in our eyes. She devoted herself to helping poor sick children. Today, as a public person, Natalie’ experiences also pass on the positive message that we should protect the earth. There are many prettier girls, but not many could be as modest10 as her, as kind as her,
  Born in Jerusalem, Natalie is like a messenger of god. She sends the inspiration11 and all bright things. A complete human, a successful woman, a shining goddess, that’s her, Natalie Portman, a real Jerusalem goddess.
  娜塔丽出生在耶路撒冷这座圣城,似乎就是上帝派来的使者。她传递着鼓舞人心的能量以及一切光明美好的事物。一个完整的人,一位成功的女性,一个闪耀的女神,这就是她,娜塔丽·波特曼 ,一位真正的来自耶路撒冷女神。
  [1] blessed adj. 幸福的;受祝福的 [2] defeat vt. 击败,战胜
  [3] smooth adj. 顺利的;光滑的;平稳的 [4] terrorism n. 恐怖主义
  [5] heroine n. 女主角;女英雄 [6] psychology n. 心理学
  [7] diligence n. 勤奋,勤勉 [8] oppose vt. 反对;对抗
  [9] establish vt. 建立;创办 [10] modest adj. 谦虚的,谦逊的
  [11] inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞
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