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1900年以前,西方数学传入我国,都是以外国传教士为媒介。他们来中国传教,同时也带来一批西方的科技书籍进行传播。例如17世纪初,意大利耶稣会教士利玛窦来中国时,与徐光启(1562~1633)合译了《几何原本》前六卷。19世纪中叶,清代数学家李善兰(1811~1882)与英国传教士伟烈亚力合作,完成了《几何原本》后九卷的翻译工作,还翻译了《代数学》十三卷、《代微积拾级》十八卷等多部。此后,清代数学家华蘅芳(1833~1902)与英国传教士傅兰雅合译《代数术》二十五卷、《微积溯源》八卷、《决疑数学》十卷,等等。徐光启、李善兰、华蘅芳等翻译引进西方数学的共同点:一是他们都没有出国,而是由外国人将西方数学书籍带进来,在我国进行翻译;二是他们都基本上不通外文,但这些外国人却懂汉语,所以由外国人口译,中国人笔录、整理成书。因此,这种引进是被动的,局限性很大,发展也缓慢。 Prior to 1900, Western mathematics was introduced into China, and it was based on foreign missionaries. They came to teach in China, but also brought a number of Western science books to spread. For example, at the beginning of the 17th century, when Matteo Ricci, the Jesuit priest of Italy, came to China, he translated the first six volumes of Geometry Original with Xu Guangqi (1562-1603). In the middle of the 19th century, the Qing Dynasty mathematician Li Shanlan (1811–1882) collaborated with the English missionary Veli Yali to complete the translation work of the “original geometry” after the nine volumes. He also translated “Algebra” Volume 13 and “Generation”. Micro-elevation pick-up grade “18 volumes and so on. Since then, the Qing Dynasty mathematician Hua Weifang (1833 ~ 1902) and the British missionary Fu Lanya translation ”Algebraic Art“ twenty-five volumes, ”micro accumulation of traceability“ eight volumes, ”decision mathematics" ten volumes, and so on. Translations of Xu Guangqi, Li Shanlan, and Hua Yufang, which were introduced into western mathematics, were common: First, they did not go abroad. Instead, foreigners brought Western mathematics books and translated them in China. Second, they basically had no foreign language. These foreigners understand Chinese, so they are translated by foreign populations. Chinese write and organize books. Therefore, this introduction is passive, with great limitations and slow development.
一、明确实验在各章节所占的比重 为了加强直观教学,增强学生的感性认识,培养学生的创造性思维,激励师生完成实验教学内容。我对高中化学课本中的106个演示实验和28个学生实
三、早期回国的留学生开创了我国现代数学教育事业 1911年10月,辛亥革命成功,结束了统治中国2000多年的封建帝制。1912年1月1日,资产阶级的政权——中华民国成立,我国进入了
中学数学中出现了许多点(或与点有关的概念),比如:中点、垂足、对称点、垂心、重心、内心、外心、切点、黄金分割点等.下面再介绍几种特殊的点。 There are many points (o
解析几何里,求点到直线的距离,一般采用两种方法。一种是利用直线的法线式方程;另一种是求垂足,用两点间距离的公式。从教学的角度来看,这两种处理方法各有优缺点。 In ana