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为了保证行车安全,苏联铁路对平交道口的技术装备和管理工作非常重视。在技术装备方面,要求道口的位置具有良好的瞭望条件,道口通道具有足够尺寸和优质铺面,公路标志明晰、齐全,护栅鲜明、坚固,自动预报信号和关闭栏木设备状态良好,并且具有现代化道口看守房和通信设备等。在管理方面,交通部及基层单位订有专门规章和细则。除对铁路工作人员经常进行保证安全的检查和教育外,并对沿线企业的机动车司机经常进行宣传教育。道口管理和教育工作,不仅是由工务段行政方面做,工务段的党组织和工会也参加这项工作。同时,不仅是铁路方面做,地方政府、公路监理部门和社会监察员、民兵等都参与此事。工务段段长会同这些单位的代表组成道口常设委员会,每月1~2次到道口及沿线企业进行宣传、教育工作,真可谓全民抓道口安全。 随着列车密度和机动车辆数量的增加,近年来,我国铁路的道口撞车事故明显增长,后果是车毁人亡,损失甚巨。现在,全路在研究改进道口管理的问题,苏联的经验值得参考。 In order to ensure traffic safety, the Soviet Union attaches great importance to the technical equipment and management of the crossroads. In terms of technical equipment, it is required that the position of the crossing should be well looked after. The crossing should be of adequate size and high quality. The road signs should be clear and complete. The fences should be clear, sturdy, the signals should be automatically forecasted and the equipment should be shut down. Crossing guarding rooms and communications equipment. In terms of management, the Ministry of Communications and establishments have special regulations and rules. In addition to constantly checking and educating railway staff on safety and security, they also conduct regular publicity and education on drivers of motor vehicles along their line of business. Crossing management and education, not only by the administrative section of the public works, public works organizations and trade unions also participate in this work. At the same time, it is not only done by the railway, but also by local governments, highway supervision departments, social inspectors and militiamen. The chief of the public works section, together with the representatives of these units, will make up the Standing Committee of the Crossing, and conduct publicity and education work once or twice a month at the crossing and enterprises along the line. With the increase of the train density and the number of motor vehicles, in recent years, the traffic accident at the crossing of our country’s railways has obviously increased. The consequence is the huge loss caused by the car crash. Now, the whole road is studying the issue of improving crossing management. The Soviet experience is worth considering.
一、把握研究的基本点 ,减轻负担和压力。语文教学 ,问题很多。多在哪里?现在提得最多的一个口号就是 :减轻学生过重的课业负担 ,化解学生沉重的升学压力。其实 ,负担和压力又
题引:再现意味凸现重点。让静物有了动感,让阙漏臻于完善,让瞬息化为永远。请再现那一物一刻吧。   1.下面是一间房子和一些家具的示意图,请你利用这些家具布置房间 (按原图大
世纪的钟声已经敲响 ,站在新世纪的门坎 ,作为政治教师 ,既充满了对未来的憧憬 ,又深感历史责任的重大。江泽民同志在第三次全国教育工作会上指出 :“思想政治教育 ,在各级各
一、国内外研究与应用简况 国外用放射性氚判定地下水年龄,从而解释地下水补给、运动及污染情况等,它是一种便于掌握、效果显著、投资少、收效快的好方法,它将逐步成为水文