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目的了解早产儿足跟干血片促甲状腺激素(thyrotropin,TSH)水平,探讨早产儿合适的筛查时机和切值,为临床提供更好的诊断标准。方法从2011年收集的10万余份标本中选出早产儿标本4 606份,以不同胎龄、采血时间和体重分组,足月儿为对照组。采用时间分辨荧光免疫法测其干血片TSH值,分析TSH水平分布及组间比对。结果早产儿足跟干血片TSH整体水平低于足月儿,极早早产儿和极低体重儿中存在明显的个体差异,分布不均衡;早产儿在延迟2周采血后,其TSH水平有所下降,一般早产儿为整体均衡下降,而极早早产儿和极低体重儿在百分位数居中的水平变化不大,但在百分位数末端高值处则有升高;一般早产儿的TSH切值与足月儿基本一致,而极早早产儿和极低体重儿的则有明显下降,且在延迟2周采血后亦有明显下降。结论制定TSH筛查切值应考虑不同胎龄、体重和采血时间的影响。 Objective To investigate the thyroidotropin (TSH) levels in heel and heel of premature infants, to explore the appropriate timing and value of screening for premature infants, to provide better diagnostic criteria for clinical use. Methods A total of 4 606 preterm infants were selected from more than 100,000 samples collected in 2011. The gestational age, blood sampling time and body weight were used to divide the full-term infants into control group. The time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay was used to measure the TSH value of dry blood, TSH level distribution and comparison between groups. Results TSH levels in the heel and dry blood of premature infants were lower than those of full-term infants. There were significant differences in the distribution of TSH among premature infants and very low birth weight infants. Decline, the general decline in the overall premature children declined, while very early preterm children and very low birth weight children in the middle of the percentile level changed little, but in the high end of the percentile have increased; general preterm children TSH cut-off value and full-term children are basically the same, and very early premature children and very low birth weight children were significantly decreased, and delayed blood collection after 2 weeks also decreased significantly. Conclusion The TSH screening cut-off value should consider the impact of different gestational age, weight and blood sampling time.
目的观察肺炎球菌疫苗与流感疫苗联合接种对反复呼吸道感染(recurrent respiratory tract infection,RRTI)患儿健康相关生活质量(health-related quality of life,HRQOL)的影
肿瘤可以认为是一种基因疾病,其中癌基因的激活和抑癌基因的失活是肿瘤发生、发展过程中最为关键的环节之一[1].近年来,一个新的抑癌基因LKB1,又名STK11(serine threonine pr
目的 通过检测呼吸道合胞病毒(respiratory syncytial virus,RSV)毛细支气管炎(毛支)患儿外周血中Th17细胞及细胞因子IL-17的水平变化,探讨其与RSV毛支气道炎症的相关性.方法
目的 探讨高迁移率族蛋白B1 (HMGB1)对卵巢癌Skov3细胞上皮间质转化(EMT)的影响及其机制,为卵巢癌以HMGB1为靶点的治疗提供理论依据.方法 将体外培养的卵巢癌Skov3细胞随机分
WHO 2016年6月发布了《耐药结核病治疗指南(2016年更新版)》,其主要更新内容有:推荐在特定条件下使用更短的(12个月)耐多药结核病治疗方案;对耐多药结核病治疗方案的用药进行
目的 探讨改良应用HELPERR口诀在防治肩难产运用中的效果,为临床防治肩难产提供参考依据.方法 收集2008年1月1日-2012年12月31日在来宾市人民医院经阴道分娩的6015例产妇作为
目的回顾性分析新生儿病房1998-2012年来诊断为新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(respiratory distress syndrome,RDS)的早产儿病例,总结在治疗措施方面的进展。方法回顾性病例对照研究,