Realization of Magnetic Signal Acquisition Scheme for Banknotes

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ltzmh
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In order to solve the problem of low signal-to-noise ratio(about 15 d B) in magnetic signal acquisition of banknotes, a new method of magnetic signal acquisition and processing is proposed taking RMB as an example. In this method, weak signa detection is performed to reduce the noise accompanied with the signal. Seven orders of Chebyshev(Ⅰ) filter and the anti-jamming technology are used in the PCB layout, and grounding modes are introduced to reduce the noise of the amplitude waveform. The proposed method reduce the final output noise by 2/3 and the sig nal-to-noise ratio is increased to 24 d B. The experimental results show that the magnetic signal of RMB banknotes are acquired by the circuit stability, which provides an important guarantee for the improvements of the anti-counterfeit and discrimination for banknotes performance. In order to solve the problem of low signal-to-noise ratio (about 15 d B) in magnetic signal acquisition of banknotes, a new method of magnetic signal acquisition and processing is proposed taking RMB as an example. In this method, weak signa Seven orders of Chebyshev (I) filter and the anti-jamming technology are used in the PCB layout, and grounding modes are introduced to reduce the noise of the amplitude waveform. The proposed method reduce the final output noise by 2/3 and the sig nal-to-noise ratio is increased to 24 d B. The experimental results show that the magnetic signal of RMB banknotes are acquired by the circuit stability, which provides an important guarantee for the improvements of the anti-counterfeit and discrimination for banknotes performance.
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