杜颂琴老先生这一辈子值得写的事情有很多,但澹泊自守的杜老却极少与人聊起。 1917年9月,杜颂琴出生于莱州,家境殷实。他的几位叔父都是从名牌大学毕业,对他影响很大。他幼承庭训,就学于家塾。虽然没有到“洋学堂”深造,但有着浓烈文化气氛的家庭环境让杜老从小在文史哲等方面打下了浓厚的文化基础,同时也熏染了他敦诗悦礼、雅好书画的习惯和审美情趣。自十来岁为邻居街坊写春联做大字受到乡里盛赞开始,杜颂琴已经度过了70余年的翰墨生涯。
There are many things that Mr. Du Songqin deserves to be written in his entire life, but Du Pau, a man of his own, rarely talks to anyone. September 1917, Du Songqin was born in Laizhou, family well. Several of his uncle are graduated from prestigious universities, a great influence on him. He inherited court training, to learn at home school. Although he did not go to “Foreign School” for further study, his family environment with strong cultural atmosphere made Du Lao lay a strong cultural foundation in the fields of literature, history, philosophy and philosophy. At the same time, he also influenced the habit and aesthetic of his poems, Fun. Since his ten years as neighbor neighbors write couplets to do big characters by the village praised the beginning, Du Songqin has spent more than 70 years of his career.