大力调整产业结构 促进产业优化升级

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从我国近22年经济运行的轨迹来看,在国民经济取得高速发展的同时,产业结构调整也取得了较大的成绩。但产业结构也存在着许多不足,最突出的问题是产业层次低、一般加工工业过大和重复建设,导致了生产能力过剩。产生上述问题的原因既有体制上的因素也有技术含量低的因素。产业结构调整的核心内容是产业结构升级,重点发展机电工业,用先进技术改造传统产业。加速我国产业结构升级和优化的对策主要有:进一步深化各方面的改革、扩大对外开放、加快技术创新、制定和实施配套的产业政策、依靠市场力量推动产业结构调整等。 From the trajectory of our country’s economic operation in recent 22 years, with the rapid development of the national economy, great achievements have also been made in industrial restructuring. However, there are still many problems in the industrial structure. The most prominent problems are the low industrial level, the excessive and repetitive construction of the general processing industry and the excess production capacity. Reasons for the above problems are both institutional and technical factors. The core content of industrial restructuring is the upgrading of the industrial structure, focusing on the development of the electromechanical industry and using advanced technologies to transform the traditional industries. The main measures to speed up the upgrading and optimization of China’s industrial structure include further deepening reforms in all aspects, expanding opening up to the outside world, accelerating technological innovation, formulating and implementing supporting industrial policies and relying on market forces to promote industrial restructuring.
Two new sesquiterpene esters, 3b, 6b, 8a-triacetyl-4b, 5a-epoxy -1- oxogermacr- 10(14)-ene (1) and 3b, 6b, 8a-triacetyl-4b, 5a-epoxygermacr-1(10)-ene (2) were i
1月27日 晴  大年三十,街上一群小孩围成圈放鞭炮,噼里啪啦地响。点点星火合着车灯与霓虹,夜,显得格外的亮。走到外婆家楼下,浓浓的菜香透过红围巾扑鼻而来,三步并两步踏上楼梯,推开门,回家过年。  餐厅的圆桌上早已摆满各种美味,也少不了大人的白酒,小孩的橙汁。摆在正中间的,依旧是外婆做的五元鸡。饭前喝一碗五元鸡汤,已是年夜饭的传统了。喝上一口,甜在舌尖,暖到心里。  做一碗五元鸡,需要多种食材。包
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1 前言 铂具有如下重要性质:熔点高;对熔融玻璃、气体及盐类等的抗腐蚀性能良好;在熔融玻璃中很少分解或挥发,对玻璃的污染也很小;在高温下具有较高的延展性;良好的可成形性
The phase diagram of the ternary system of sodium dodecyl trioxyethylene sulfate (SDES)/ n butanol/water is obtained at (30 0±0 1) ℃. There exists a cle