
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xgf217
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我省的自学考试从1984年开考至今已经走过了13个年头,十三年来建立了一支以大中专院校为依托,以各级考试机构为基础的相对稳定的办考队伍,积累了丰富的办考,经验。随着自学考试事业的深入发展,考试功能和服务范围的不断扩大,开考专业从1984年专科段4个专业,已增加到目前本科、专科、中专59个专业,报考人数也呈现了直线上升的趋势。仅就石家庄市来看,1996共开考54个专业,上半年报名人数61019人,143980科次,其中新生28999人。下半年报名人数为57017人、135973科次,其中新生18857人。比1995年全年增加考生39144人、95908科次,比1994年增加考生62044人、149603科次;报考人数、科次均翻了一番还多。报考人数、科次均创开考以来最高记录。1996年一年增加新生47856人,1997年上半年报名人数比96年仍有大幅度增长。这新增的考生大部分是中专在校生,反映了现在中专校园里出现了“自考热”,对这股“自考热”,社会上有褒有贬,有的提出“鱼”与“熊掌”不能兼得,对其应该“降温”,应予限制等等。中专校园里的“自考热”是如何形成的,如何评价或正确对待这股“自考热”,是当前需要认真研究分析的一个重要问题,现根据笔者个人体会谈几点意见: Self-study examinations in our province have gone through 13 years since the test was started in 1984. In the past 13 years, a self-study exam has been set up based on the examination institutions at all levels, Has accumulated a wealth of exams, experience. With the in-depth development of self-study examinations, examination functions and the scope of services continue to expand, the test specialist from the 1984 specialist 4, has increased to the current undergraduate, specialist, secondary 59 majors, applicants also showed a straight line rising trend. Only Shijiazhuang City, 1996 opened a total of 54 professional examinations, the first half of the enrollment of 61,019 people, 147,980 subjects, of which 28,999 new students. The second half of the enrollment of 57017 people, 135,973 subjects, of which 18857 new students. There were 39,144 candidates and 95,908 subjects more than the whole year of 1995, with 62044 candidates and 149,603 subjects more than those in 1994; the number of applicants and the number of subjects both more than doubled. The number of applicants, subjects were the highest record since the opening examination. In the first year of 1996, there were 47,856 new students. In the first half of 1997, the number of applicants still increased by a large margin compared with 1996. Most of the newly-added candidates are secondary school students, reflecting the emergence of “self-test fever” in the secondary school campuses, the “self-test fever” in the secondary school, the praise and derogation in the society, and some suggestions of “fish” and “ Bear’s paw ”can not have both, should be“ cool ”, should be limited and so on. How to evaluate or correctly deal with this “self-test fever” is an important issue that needs to be carefully studied and analyzed now, according to the author’s personal experience to talk about some opinions:
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