Since the 1980s, the Korean economy has taken a leap forward under the guidance of the domestic political reform situation and has steadily risen in recent years, becoming the “four little dragons” in Asia. While the country’s economy is growing rapidly, it also drives the development of the insurance industry in the country. In the 1990s, First, the Korean insurance management mechanism: South Korea’s top insurance authority for the Ministry of Finance and Insurance Supervision Agency of Korea. Insurance Supervision Department was established in 1988, is an independent organization, the Under the Department of 15 departments, more than 300 employees, a director, a deputy director, three assistant director director recommended by the Minister of Finance, appointed by the president. The hospital’s purpose is under the insurance law and the Ministry of Finance commissioned to review Insurance companies and insurance agencies; insurance management funds; insurance reserves; broker registration and management; arbitration disputes to resolve insurance consumer complaints; and carry out insurance investigations and international cooperation activities.