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血管瘤是血管内皮细胞异常增生所致,是软组织中最常见的良性肿瘤,多为先天性,俗称“胎记”。 80年代国外有人根据临床表现和血管内皮的病理特征,将血管瘤归纳为两大类。一类为真性血管瘤。其特点是病变多在出生后1个月内出现红色斑点或凸起,生长迅速,1岁左右可望停止生长,有的可逐渐退化。但根据南京军区南京总医院口腔科,对2000余例各种血管瘤的治疗和20多年的临床观 Hemangiomas are caused by abnormal proliferation of vascular endothelial cells and are the most common benign tumors in soft tissues. They are mostly congenital and are commonly referred to as birthmarks. In the 1980s, according to clinical manifestations and pathological features of vascular endothelium, foreign people summarized hemangiomas into two categories. One is true hemangiomas. It is characterized by the appearance of red spots or bulges more than one month after birth and rapid growth. It is expected that one year or so will stop growing, and some may gradually degenerate. However, according to the Department of Stomatology, Nanjing General Hospital of the Nanjing Military Region, the treatment of more than 2000 cases of various hemangiomas and 20 years of clinical view
一些看似寻常的疾病却隐伏着癌变的因素,因此,密切观察,及时治疗这些容易发生癌变的常见病对防癌治癌无疑是非常重要的。 Some seemingly ordinary diseases are invisible
“胎记”其实是一个很熟悉的名字,但未必都能了解它,比如它的病因,还有对它的治疗等等。 “The birthmark” is actually a very familiar name, but it may not be able to
炎炎夏日,在透明的天宇下,金色的沙滩上,湛蓝的海水边,有一道迷人的风景线。 Summer, in a transparent sky, the golden beach, blue sea, there is a charming landscape.
糕,从米,羔音。古代糕多写为“ ”。据《方言》对糕的解释:“饵,谓之 ”。清段玉裁《说文解字注》则说:“米而饼之,蒸之则曰饵,即今江苏之米粉饼、米粉团也。”按现代《辞海》的解
人们或许已经知道,喝少量葡萄酒对心脏有益。而法国一项先后长达十余年的研究表明,喝少量葡萄酒可以降低癌症死亡率。 该项研究是在法国东部盛产葡萄酒的波尔多地区进行的。
“糖醋黄河鲤鱼”这道菜,在《中国名菜谱》(财政经济出版社1990年版)中,被分别收入山东、江苏、河南分册内,誉为三省的地方名菜。 鲤鱼是中国北方淡水鱼中产量最高的鱼类之一。北方的
良好的开端是成功的一半,做好保养皮肤的基础工作,拥有美丽的肌肤将不再是个遥远的梦想。 A good beginning is half done, do a good job in the maintenance of the basic