In September 1996, the International Standards Organization (ISO) announced two environmental management standards: ISO 14001 Environmental Management System - Specification and Usage Guidelines and ISO 14004 Environmental Management System - General Guidelines for Principles, Systems, and Supporting Technologies. ISO 14001 is a standard that companies must meet when conducting third-party audits and certification applications, while ISO 14004 provides more detailed guidance on how to establish and implement an environmental management system. It is noteworthy that the ISO 14000 standard series has a wide range of applications. Apart from focusing on the establishment and implementation of environmental management systems (EMS), it also includes environmental review (EA), environmental labeling (EL), environmental performance evaluation (EPE), and life. Loop evaluation (LCA) and so on. This article will briefly introduce the contents of the EMS, EA, EPE and LCA series and their standards, and make suggestions for the controversial projects of EPE and LCA.