
来源 :热加工工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpucicy
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根据旋转电弧窄间隙焊接系统的功能要求,提出了旋转电弧窄间隙焊接系统单片机控制设计方案,设计了以PIC16F877A单片机为控制核心的主控电路、电机转速检测与显示电路以及引弧控制电路,实现了焊接功能参数预设调节、焊接过程控制、引弧控制以及电机转速的实时检测与数字化显示。另外,对控制系统进行了仿真调试和焊接试验,试验结果表明:该控制系统设计合理,硬件电路简单可靠,系统软件运行稳定高效,达到了设计要求。 According to the functional requirements of the welding system with narrow gap arc welding, a control scheme for the welding system with narrow arc welding arc is proposed. The main control circuit with PIC16F877A as the control core, the motor speed detection and display circuit and the arc control circuit are designed and realized The welding parameters of the default adjustment, welding process control, arc control and motor speed real-time detection and digital display. In addition, the control system was simulated and the welding test was carried out. The test results show that the control system is reasonable in design, the hardware circuit is simple and reliable, the system software runs stably and efficiently, and meets the design requirements.
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图形设计师、插图画家、企划家和视觉传达诸领域的顾问:葡萄牙人亨里克·卡亚特(Henrique Cayatte)对欧洲的设计文化做出了巨大贡献。  自从30年前独裁统治结束以来,这块位