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企业间的竞争实质上是供应链的竞争,良好的供应链伙伴关系已成为企业竞争致胜的必要条件。我国企业供应链伙伴合作中的问题主要有:强势企业“剥削”、“盈利软肋”普遍、伙伴之间缺乏信任、上下游信息不对称等。深层原因在于经营理念、竞争方式、社会信用体制和信息系统等方面。对策选择应该围绕这几个方面展开。 The competition between enterprises is essentially the supply chain competition. A good supply chain partnership has become a necessary condition for the enterprises to win the competition. The main problems in the cooperation of supply chain partners in our country are: strong enterprise exploitation, common profit weakness, lack of trust between partners, asymmetric information of upstream and downstream. The deeper reason is that business philosophy, competition, social credit system and information systems. Countermeasures should focus on these aspects.
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“Wang Gang’s Case of Breaking an Antique”had attracted extensive attention in society.The disputes over the case mainly focused on fault determination.To det
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情感教育是推进语文教学过程优化的最强盛的驱动力。前苏联教育学家苏霍姆林斯基说过:“学校里的学习不是毫无热情地把知识从一个头脑里装进另一个头脑里,而是师生之间每时每刻都在进行心灵的接触。”语文教学中,发挥好情感效应,不仅能激发学生的求知欲,增强学生的学习兴趣,发展学生的智力、能力,而且能促进素质教育的深入开展,提高语文教育教学的质量。  一.教师全身心投入,让学生受到感染  著名的教育家于漪说过:“
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