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a~(1/2)的变换,以类型题例题形式进行归纳、展示,对疑、易错题进行对照解析解答,并对疑、易错题的根源——知识点进行解剖。 a ~ (1/2) transformation, to the type of problem-based form of induction, display, suspicious, easy to answer the question of error-solving analysis, and suspicious, easy to devise the root cause of the problem - the anatomy of knowledge points.
反转恢复 (inversionrecovery ,IR)脉冲序列是由ErwinHahn 1949年首先应用来确定水的T1值的。 1980年IR序列首次被应用于肝脏病变的研究中并显示出了良好的对比度。以后随着MR成像技术的飞跃发展 ,IR序列也由传统
Objective To explore the relationship between power density of He -Ne laser with the growth of fibroblasts in hypertroph ic scar (HS).Methods The cultured fibro
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Objective:To studywhethermousesertolicellscaninducetheapoptosisof maturedT lymphocytesincocultures in vitro.Methods:WithTUNEL,DNAelectrophoresis,electro-microgr
The carbon fiber and carbon fiber for complex materials implanted have beenapplied to the clinic medicine,in which they are served as the materials forrepairing
辛苦了一辈子(呐),终于是得清闲;奋斗了一辈子(呐),懂得了苦和甜;要问 世上事(呐),春风(嘛)换人间。又问 天下事(呐), 道理(嘛)万万千。 Hard life (na), and finally be
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。数螃蟹(宴席曲)@樊祖荫 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Number of