Reflection and transmission of acoustic waves on multilayered porous media

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:j15890193764
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Based on the Boit theory of acoustic wave propagation in fluid-satu-rated porous medium we have studied in this paper the acoustic reflection andtransmission on multilayered porous media,in which the adequate boundaryconditions across the interfaces are taken into account.Numerical calculationsof the reflection and transmission coefficients at different incident angles andfrequencies of the fast compressional wave incident on porous media with threeor four layers are presented.The results indicate that the maximum or mini-mum reflection and transmission coefficients appear at certain ratios of thewavelength to the thickness.The acoustic incident angle and porous mediumproperties are shown to affect significantly these coefficients.As an example,the measured transmission coefficients in a water-saturated fused glass beadsample are in good agreement with theoretical prediction. Based on the Boit theory of acoustic wave propagation in fluid-satu-rated porous medium we have studied in this paper the acoustic reflection and transmission on multilayered porous media, in which the adequate boundary conditions across the interfaces are taken into account. Numerical calculations of the reflection and transmission coefficients at different incident angles and frequencies of the fast compressional wave incident on porous media with three or four layers are presented. The results that maximum that mini or mum reflection and transmission coefficients appear at certain ratios of the wave length to the thickness. angle and porous mediumproperties are shown to affect significantly these coefficients. As an example, the measured transmission coefficients in a water-saturated fused glass beads sample are in good agreement with theoretical prediction.
This is a collection of lecture notes of five applied mathematicians and acousticians.The authors are all world-famous authorities in their fields,showing for s
摘要:随着素质教学模式的推行,对于学生的培养,不仅仅要注重学习能力和学习成绩,对于学生的德智体美要全面发展。拓展训练作为初中体育教学的关键环节,必须要结合学生情况,从理念、内容和实施等方面不断探索,才能提高教学效果。本文对拓展训练在初中体育教学中的应用进行了全面论述,结合教学现状提出了具体的优化措施,以供参考。  关键词:拓展训练;初中体育教学;现状;应用;对策  初中体育是一门重要的教学课程,只