贯彻十六大精神 实现跨越式发展

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学习、贯彻十六大精神,坚持以“三个代表”重要思想统领各项工作,是当前我们面临的首要任务,也是国防后备力量建设面临的头等大事。要落实十六大精神,搞好国防后备力量建设,必须牢固确立“三个代表”在国防后备力量建设中的指导地位,自觉从过去那种不合时宜的观念、做法和体制中解放出来,切实用改革的思路、创新的办法,来解决 Studying and implementing the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC and insisting on using the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ to lead the various tasks are the top priority tasks we now face and the top priority for our national defense reserve forces. To implement the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress and do a good job in building a national defense reserve force, we must firmly establish the guiding position of the “three represents” in the building of our national defense reserve force, liberate ourselves from the outdated concepts, practices and systems of the past, Practical reform ideas, innovative ways to solve
<正> 河北省邢台某预备役团自1999年初组建以来,团党委&#39;一班人&#39;带领广大官兵,艰苦奋斗、拼搏进取,各项工作取得优异成绩。2001年7月,团党委被河北省军区评为先进党委
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