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继春耕生产接踵而来的夏收夏种工作,又摆在我们的面前,为保证今年农业生产按照计划,有准备有步骤的进行,达到预定的丰收,各级人民政府必须:一、在河南等主要产麦地区,动员群众,组织全部力量,投入夏收运动。在原有基础上,发展各种劳动互助组织,提倡自由雇工,号召群众,进行「快割」「快打」「快晒」「快藏」,保证不误农时,同时动员教育群众,以民兵为骨干,保卫夏收,时加警惕,严防土匪、特务、不法分子的抢麦烧场等阴谋,且不要因为股匪已肃清、镇压了一批反革命分子而麻痹,以致造成不必要的损失。二、在其它冬季作物成熟待收地区,必须抓紧时机,普遍领导群众进行选种留种,好好保存种籽,以作今冬冬耕播种之准备;讲解选种的好处,留种的重要,作到家喻户晓。在此青黄不接时期,更应强调细水长流,度过夏荒,纠正收多少,吃多少,并防止吃光不留种的偏向。三、普遍发动群众,紧接夏收之后,栽种各地适宜的夏季作物,如中稻、甘薯、芝麻、粟、大豆等,消灭空白地,并注意夏耘,保证不荒一亩 Following the spring harvest summer harvest summer work, and in front of us, in order to ensure that this year’s agricultural production in accordance with the plan, ready to proceed step by step, to achieve the desired harvest, the people’s governments at all levels must: First, in Henan, etc. Main wheat-producing areas, mobilize the masses, organize all the forces into summer collection campaign. On the basis of the original, various types of labor-support organizations should be developed and free-hire should be promoted. The masses should be called upon to carry out “fast cutting,” “quick-strike,” “fast-drying,” and “fast possession.” In order to mobilize and educate the masses without mobilization of agriculture, And guard against the summer harvest, guard against conspiracies such as bandits, secret agents and criminals robbing themselves of wheat, and do not paralyze a group of counterrevolutionary elements and cause unnecessary losses because the gangsters have been eliminated. Second, when other winter crops are ready for harvest, we must seize the opportunity to generally lead the masses to choose seeds for planting and preserve the seeds for winter winter plowing. We will explain the benefits of seed selection and the importance of remaining seeds for planting To every household. In this era of indifference, but should also emphasize steady, spend the summer, how much to correct income, how much to eat, and to prevent the tendency to eat without leaving kind. Third, the general mobilization of the masses, immediately after the summer harvest, planting suitable summer crops, such as rice, sweet potato, sesame, millet, soybeans, eliminate blank, and pay attention to Xia Yun, promised not to waste a acre
5月3日晴  我又一次坐到窗前,窗外葱绿的梧桐叶,绿莹莹的草地,不时还有一群自由的小鸟嬉笑着飞过。回望过去,曾经有那么一块玻璃,牢牢地禁锢着我的心灵,让我无法释怀自己,融身于外面美丽动人的风景……  年幼时,我性格孤僻,只爱躲在教室最后靠窗的一角。朋友们不愿和一个声若蚊蝇的伙伴玩耍,几乎只会嗫嚅着说话的我,也让昕有老师都懒得提问。  六年级时,来了一个新班主任。她教语文。“新中国哪天成立的?靠窗口
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