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金风送爽,硕果飘香。在这盛满收获、孕育希望的季节里,在神州大地依然沉浸在欢度中秋、共庆国庆的欢乐气氛中,在举国上下欢欣鼓舞喜迎党的十八大的重要时刻,中国煤炭学会也即将迎来自己的五十岁华诞。发展是硬道理。作为共和国的长子,中国煤炭工业为国家的经济建设和社会发展提供了可靠的能源保障,煤炭在一次能源中所占的比例始终保持在70%左右。科技是第一生产力。2011年,全国的煤炭产量达到35.2亿吨,超过世界煤炭总产量的一半。取得这一成绩,依靠的就是科技进步。中国煤炭学会作为煤炭科技工作者的学术性群众组织,是中国科学技术协会的组成部分,旨在团结和组织煤炭科技工作者,贯彻科学技术是第一生产力的思想,实施科教兴煤战略和可持续发展战略,开展国内外学术交流,普及科学技术,发现、推荐人才,维护科技工作者的合法权益,推动煤炭科学技术事业的繁荣与发展,被誉为“煤炭科技工作者之 Golden wind cool, fruit fragrance. In this season full of harvest and hope, in the vast land of China is still immersed in the celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival, celebrating the joy of the National Day, all over the country joyfully celebrate the party’s eighteenth important moment, the China Coal Institute is about to Usher in his 50th birthday. Development is the last word. As the eldest son of the Republic, China’s coal industry has provided a reliable source of energy for the country’s economic construction and social development. The share of coal in primary energy has remained at about 70%. Science and technology are primary productive forces. In 2011, the country’s coal production reached 3.52 billion tons, more than half of the world’s total coal output. Achievements in this achievement depends on scientific and technological progress. As an academic mass organization of coal science and technology workers, China Coal Association is an integral part of China Association for Science and Technology. It aims to unite and organize coal science and technology workers, implement the idea that science and technology are the primary productive forces, and implement the strategy of rejuvenating coal by science and education Sustainable development strategy, conducting academic exchanges at home and abroad, popularizing science and technology, discovering and recommending talents, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of scientists and technologists, and promoting the prosperity and development of coal science and technology. It has been praised as a ”coal science and technology worker
在实施写作的全程教学中,教师要注意写作要求的渐进性、训练方法的多样性、写作任务的过程性、写作目标的指向性和反馈评价的互动性,以保证取得良好教学效果。 In the proce