国家防火课题,催生并成就了今天的草甘膦历史地位 草甘膦的身世之谜和感人故事

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如今的草甘膦是国产农药的当家品种之一。目前在国内的用量居除草剂之首,约4万吨/年(原药)。2016年,草甘膦出口47.7万吨(金额9.9亿美元)占全国农药出口总量的35%(金额18%),全球草甘膦用量60%以上出自中国。在众多国产除草剂产品队伍中,草甘膦是当之无愧的身高2.26米的巨人和主力。但是,襁褓时期的草甘膦曾经三易其名,经历曲折,这段鲜为人知的故事得从70年代说起: Today's glyphosate is one of the leading varieties of domestic pesticides. Currently the amount of herbicide in the country ranks first, about 40,000 tons / year (original drug). In 2016, 477,000 tons of glyphosate was exported (amounting to 990 million U.S. dollars), accounting for 35% (18% of the total) of the country's total pesticide exports. More than 60% of the global glyphosate consumption came from China. In many domestic herbicide product team, glyphosate is worthy of the giant 2.26 meters tall and the main force. However, when the glyphosate in the grub was once known as San Yi and experienced twists and turns, the little-known story began in the 1970s:
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