
来源 :中国农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaohaoyuan
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在浙江镇海、慈溪、余姚一带,每亩棉田有栽植九千株甚至一万株以上的,且该处秋雨多;所以发生了棉铃霉烂的现象,以致影响产量甚巨。作者根据该地自然环境,提出用栽培方法减少棉铃霉烂,以求得丰产,是值得注意的。同时作者指出,凡秋雨多的地区,在目前的技术水平下,过分密植,对于产量是不利的。「密植」的基本精神在于根据自然环境条件使得棉株获有适当的距离,以达到丰产的目的。所以在华北棉区,根据1950年和1951年的各地棉花栽培密度试验,证明每亩棉株如能提高到4,000左右,再配合适当的整枝、摘心的工作,即较原有的稀植产量为高。如果栽培技术和防治病虫害方法能够更提高一步,参照苏联的先进经验,这里的栽培密度还是可以继续提高的。本文所指的自然环境条件,是长江流域秋雨多的地区,与华北不尽相同,希读者注意。 In Zhejiang Zhenhai, Cixi and Yuyao, there are 9,000 or even 10,000 lines planted per mu of cotton fields, and there is more rain in this area. So the mildew of cotton boll weeds has taken place so that the output is very huge. According to the natural environment of the area, the author put forward cultivation methods to reduce boll rot in order to achieve high yield, which is worth noting. At the same time, the author points out that where the autumn rainy areas, the current technological level, over-density, yield is not conducive. The basic principle of “dense planting” lies in that cotton plants are given proper distance according to the natural environment so as to achieve high yield. Therefore, in cotton fields in North China, cotton planting density tests in 1950 and 1951 proved that the cotton yield per mu could be increased to about 4,000. Combined with the appropriate pruning and inpping, that is, the original thinning yield was high. If the cultivation techniques and pest control measures can be taken one step further, the cultivation density here can still be improved by referring to the advanced experience of the Soviet Union. This article refers to the natural environment conditions, is the autumn of the Yangtze River Valley, and North China is not the same, hope readers attention.
“水稻三角棵产量收的多,成熟早来刁(穗)头多。一棵一把抓不着,收获稻子它先割,要想多增产,下年定要多插三角棵”。这是安徽望江县■口区农民对水稻三角棵密植法的评 “Th
The compound described as [Cu(OH)2(H2O)2(4-C5H4NCOOH)2] in Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2001, 20: 478-480 is instead the compound [Cu(H2O)4(4-C5H4NCOO)2], whose crys
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