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在重庆地区的自然条件下,棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover在冬季既可以在落叶木本植物如木芙蓉Hibiscus mutabilis L.、木槿 Hibiscus syriacus L.上产生两性世代的雄蚜和产卵雌蚜,并产卵过冬;也可以在宿根草本植物如蜀葵 Althaea rosea(L.)上继续以孤雌胎生世代的有翅或无翅胎生雌蚜繁殖过冬。麦长管蚜 Macrosiphum granarium(Kirby)、菜缢管蚜 Rhopalosiphum pseudobrassicae(Davis)和桔二岔蚜Toxoptera aurantii(Fonsc)通常都继续以孤雌胎生世代繁殖过冬。桃蚜 Myzus persicae(Sulzer)在十字花科蔬菜、莴笋Lactuca sativa var.angustana Irish、菠菜 Spinacia oleracea L.等冬季作物上可以继续营弧雌胎生世代繁殖,但在桃树上Prunus persica Stokes 可以出现少数两性世代的产卵雌蚜和雄蚜。由于雄蚜的出现时期较晚,将近在落叶以前,而产卵雌蚜不经交配通常均不能产卵,因此在桃树落叶前产卵雌蚜常未及产卵而随落叶从桃树上消失。从接种饲养试验的结果证明:麦长管蚜在提早至8月播种,至冬季已进入乳熟期的小麦Triticum aestivum L.穗上,可以产生少数雄蚜,但未见产卵雌蚜。菜缢管蚜在生长衰弱的油菜 Brassica napella Choix的黄脚叶上,可以产生少数产卵雌蚜及卵,但未见雄蚜。在田间瓢儿白Brassica chinensis var Under natural conditions in Chongqing, the cotton aphid Aphis gossypii Glover can generate both male and female spawning aphids and lay eggs in deciduous woody plants such as Hibiscus mutabilis L. and Hibiscus syriacus L. in winter Winter; or in the perennial herbs such as Althaea rosea (L.) continue to live in the parthenogenetic winged or winged viviparous female aphids winter. Macrosiphum granarium (Kirby), Rhopalosiphum pseudobrassicae (Davis), and Toxoptera aurantii (Fonsc) usually continue to reproduce in winter with parthenogenetic progeny. Peach aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) can survive in the cruciferous vegetables, lettuce Lactuca sativa var. Angustana Irish, spinach Spinacia oleracea L. and other winter crops. However, there are a few pests in the Prunus persica Stokes Spawning female aphids and male aphids of both sexes. Because of the emergence of male aphids late, near the deciduous, and ovipositing female aphids usually can not spawn, so before the peach tree spawning female aphids and spawning often without peach from the leaves disappear. The result of inoculation experiment showed that the aphid was planted as early as August and the winter wheat had reached the stage of millet, Triticum aestivum L. It could produce a few male aphids, but no ovipositing female aphids. On the yellow-leafed leaves of Brassica napella Choix, a weakened Brassicas napella Choix, Caenorhabditis aphid can produce a few spawning females and eggs, but no males were found. Ginkgo biloba in the field White Brassica chinensis var
为了对胡蜂的益害问题有一个全面的认识,现将我们对胡蜂为害水果的初步观察介绍如下。 一、为害果树的胡蜂种类 我国已记载为害果树的胡蜂有13种,分布在15个省(市、区),为害
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近 二 十 年 是 统 计 教 育 培 训 事 业 从 艰 苦 创业 到 蓬 勃 发展 的 二 十 年 。回 顾 这 一 成 长 历 程,作 为统 计 教育 队伍 中的 一 员,我 的 年龄 虽然 不算 大
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