Influence of Alloy Elements on Magnetic Properties of Fe-based Amorphous Alloys

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqzlei
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The influence of alloy elements on dc and ac magnetic properties of Fe_79M_2Si_6B_11C_2(M is V, Mo or Cr) amorphous alloys was investigated. The variation law of the magnetic properties and the loss with the different elements was studied. The results show that the addition of V, Cr or Mo elements reduces the saturation magnetic induction in varying degrees. The addition of V element increases the permeability, decreases the coercivity and drops the loss. The addition of Cr and Mo reduces the permeability, and increases the coercivity. The influence of alloy elements on dc and ac magnetic properties of Fe_79M_2Si_6B_11C_2 (M is V, Mo or Cr) amorphous alloys was investigated. The variation law of the magnetic properties and the loss with the different elements was studied. The results show that the addition of V, Cr or Mo elements reduces the saturation magnetic induction in varying degrees. The addition of V element increases the permeability, reducing the coercivity and drops the loss. The addition of Cr and Mo reduces the permeability, and increases the coercivity.
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