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人才资源是第一资源。随着大数据时代的来临,不同国家、不同地区之间的竞争变得更加激烈,竞争的重点也已经从企业所生产的产品的竞争转变为服务、知识与管理的竞争,因此,为了在各种竞争中获得胜利,是否能够掌握相关知识与技能的人才所占据的地位愈发重要,甚至起到关键性作用。为促进区域经济的发展,政府必须尽可能发挥地区人才的积极作用,促进人才资源与物质资源的最佳结合,从而达到其目的。为了吸引人才,各地区应该为人才创造一个良好的发展环境人才环境,提高自身的竞争力。其中,最关键的就是要抓住吸引人才在同一个地区集聚起来的主要因素,加大力度营造并优化本地人才环境,从而能够用更多的优势条件吸引外来人才,减少自身人才的向外流出。本文运用聚类分析和主成分分析法,通过统计分析,研究了山东省人才流动的社会动因,并针对如何优化本地人才环境提出了相关政策建议。 Talent resources is the first resource. With the advent of the Big Data era, the competition among different countries and regions has become more intense. The focus of competition has also shifted from the competition of products produced by enterprises to the competition of services, knowledge and management. Therefore, It is even more important and even pivotal for those who win the competition and are able to acquire relevant knowledge and skills. In order to promote the development of regional economy, the government must give full play to the positive role of regional talents and promote the best combination of human resources and material resources so as to achieve its goal. In order to attract talented people, all regions should create a good environment for the development of qualified personnel for their talents and enhance their own competitiveness. Among them, the most crucial one is to seize the major factors that attract talented people to gather in the same area, step up efforts to create and optimize the local talent environment so as to attract more foreign talents with more advantages and reduce the outward flow of their own talents . This paper uses cluster analysis and principal component analysis, through statistical analysis, studies the social motivation of the flow of talent in Shandong Province, and puts forward some policy suggestions on how to optimize the local talent environment.
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大片热烈的橙色调墙体、地面和天花扑面而来,在柏林的KU64牙科诊所使人忘记身处尖锐的钻孔机声音的地带,卷曲、柔软的设计风格似乎在说“你不会被伤害”。2005年8月 Large w