面对日益激烈的报业竞争态势,新的一年本报将以邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义的理论为指导,认真总结创刊65年来的历史经验和近几年的新鲜经验,千方百计地强化新闻的时效性,提高报道的“含金量”,增加宣传的晚报味,搞好报纸的“外包装”,努力向报业系列化、集团化进军,立足上海,面向全国走向世界,力争在社会效益和经济效益两个方面继续处于领先的地位。 关于改进新闻宣传方面的打算是: 一、为增加新闻的时效和容量,元旦起将对部分版面作适当调整,其中报道祖国各地新貌的《东西南北》版,
Faced with the increasingly fierce competition in the newspaper industry, this year’s newspaper will take Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics as a guide, earnestly summarize the 65 years since the first publication of historical experience and the recent years of fresh experience, do everything possible to strengthen Improve the timeliness of the news, increase the “gold content” of the report, increase the taste of the evening news propaganda, improve the newspaper’s “packaging”, and strive to march toward the newspaper industry with a group-based approach, based in Shanghai and facing the whole country to the world and strive for social benefits And two aspects of economic efficiency continue to be in a leading position. The plans for improving public information are as follows: 1. In order to increase the timeliness and capacity of the news, part of the layout will be properly adjusted on New Year’s Day, including the new version of “East, West, South and North” published throughout the motherland,