
来源 :华南地质与矿产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:treesoft_ng
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初步研究表明,留茶坡组中部黑色页岩中化石呈炭质压膜状保存,主要包括长绳状或带状宏观藻:Chenlidenella spiralis gen.et sp.nov.,Longifuniculum dissutum Steiner,Erdtmann and Chen,1992, Longitaenina triphyllus gen. et sp. nov., L. rhodina gen. et sp. nov., L. laceolatus gen. et sp. nov.;直立不分枝的管状宏观藻Longfengshania elongata Duan et Du,1985, L. elliptic-ulum sp. nov, Paralongfengshania oblong sp. nov. Miaohenella hunanensis(Steiner, Erdtmann and Chen,1992), M. rhomba Ding,1996, M. taenina sp. nov., Cystoculum catenuatus gen. et sp. nov.;末端存在二歧式分叉的丝状宏观藻:Sectoralga bibarbatus sp. nov., S. typica Hu,1996,S. capillaceus sp. nov., S. umbellulata Hu,1996和水母状化石Taoyuania ovatoides gen. et sp. nov., Liaonanella giganta sp. nov., Wulingshania canopse gen. et sp. nov.及蠕虫状化石 Wenshanwania simplex gen. et sp. nov.等。从地层对比上看,上述化石可能与伊迪卡拉动物群为同一时期的产物。晚震旦世晚期留茶坡组中类水母化石的出现是我国晚震旦世生物演化史上一次重要事件,以类水母等软躯体动物和高分异度的宏观藻类? Preliminary studies have shown that the fossils in the black shale in the middle part of the Olushanpo Formation were preserved in carbonaceous film, mainly including long-cord or banded macro-algae: Chenlidenella spiralis gen.et sp.nov., Longifuniculum dissutum Steiner, Erdtmann and Chen , 1992, Longitaenina triphyllus gen. Et sp. Nov., L. rhodina gen. Et sp. Nov., L. laceolatus gen. Et sp. Nov .; upright unbranched macrophyte Longfengshania elongata Duan et Du, 1985 , L. elliptic-ulum sp. Nov, Paralongfengshania oblong sp. Nov. Miaohenella hunanensis (Steiner, Erdtmann and Chen, 1992), M. rhomba Ding, 1996, M. taenina sp. Nov., Cystoculum catenuatus gen. Et sp. nov., S. capillaceus sp. nov., S. umbellulata Hu, 1996 and Taoyuania ovatoides, a bifurcated filamentous macroalgae present at the end: Sectoralga bibarbatus sp. nov., S. typica Hu, 1996, gen. et sp. nov., Liaonanella giganta sp. nov., Wulingshania canopse gen. et sp. nov., and worm-like fossils Wenshanwania simplex gen. et sp. nov. In terms of stratigraphic comparisons, these fossils may be the product of the same period of the Ediacaran fauna. The occurrence of the middle-class jellyfish fossils in the Late Sinian Late Cretaceous was an important event in the history of Late Sinian bio-evolution in China. In the late Sinian, soft-body animals such as jellyfish and macro-algae with high degree of differentiation were discovered.
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