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最近我们依兰县工农教育办的同志深入到我县五个乡镇进行调查,走访了8个村屯41户,想谈点对农村成人教育地位和作用的再认识: (一) 近几年来,农村的成人教育已取得了很大进展,但是在思想认识上还有很多不适应。如果不引起高度的重视,势必会影响广大劳动者素质的提高,影响农村经济发展速度。从调查反映出,主要存在“四个重视不够”和“三重三轻”现象。一是认为农村教育只有营通全日制教育和一次性教育,对农村成人教育重视不够;二是认为农村成人教育是单纯的扫盲和文化基础教育,对职业技术教育重视不够;三是认为农村成人教育是单纯的学历教育,对全面提高劳动者素质教育重视不够;四是认为成人教育是部门的条块工作,对“三教”统筹(普教、成教、职教)和全社会都要关心教育重视不够。因此,一些地方出现了“三重三轻”现象。即重经济轻教育、重眼前轻长远,重小生产轻现代化生产的倾向。 Recently, we comrades from Yilan County Workers 'and Peasants' Education Office conducted in-depth investigations into five counties and towns in our county and visited 41 villages in 8 villages. We would like to talk about the re-recognition of the status and role of rural adult education: (1) In recent years, Much progress has been made in adult education in rural areas, but there is still a lot of incompetence in ideological understanding. If we do not attract a great deal of attention, it is bound to affect the improvement of the quality of the majority of workers and the speed of rural economic development. Reflecting from the survey, there are mainly “four not enough attention” and “three three light” phenomenon. First, that rural education only camp full-time education and one-time education, rural adult education is not enough attention; the second is that adult education in rural areas is simply literacy and cultural education, vocational education is not enough attention; Third, that rural adults Education is a mere formality education, which does not pay enough attention to improving the quality education of laborers altogether. Fourthly, we think that adult education is a piecemeal task of departments and should be concerned about the co-ordination of “three religions” (general education, adult education and vocational education) and the whole society Education is not enough attention. Therefore, some places appeared “triple light three” phenomenon. That is, emphasizing economic and light education, focusing on long-term advantages and minimizing the tendency of light-producing modern production.
新闻背景 1998年,浙江省杭州市全年刑事案件发案数比上年下降 141%,这是该市 13年以来首次出现案件下降。1999年,全市发案数在此基础上继续下降,其中杭州市区下降4.7%,郊区下降12.8%,全市平均降幅9.8%;桐庐、建
作者收集了自1962年以来的6424例癌症患儿的资料,发现其中31例感染了传染性软疣,另外1例传染性软疣患儿同时患有血友 The authors collected data on 6424 children with c
一、概念: 黄疸是一个常见的症状,系指皮肤、巩膜及粘膜因血清内胆红素浓度增高引起胆红素沉着所致的黄染而言。在有些病例这个症状比较突出,以致患者寻找医生就医;在有些病
现将我院1983年~1989年卡介苗接种752例阳转率测定结果分析如下。一、接种对象与分组:第一组,初种新生儿(88~89年统计);第二组,初种3~12个月龄的婴儿(82~85年统计)。 Now in ou
8月10日上午 ,北京体育大学教师张健 ,历时50多个小时横渡渤海海峡成功。媒体称张健创造了横渡海峡最长距离的世界纪录。此前一周 ,在海南省 ,两名公安民警历时8小时 ,成功地横渡琼