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本文采用有限元方法,对桩与底板脱开的刚性桩复合地基和桩与底板连接的复合桩基两种形式下的水池沉降、底板及桩基受力性状进行了研究。依托实际案例和参数分析,着重分析了这两种形式的相似点和区别点,以利于今后的工程设计。通过分析表明,两者所得到的池体沉降基本相近,但基桩受力及底板弯矩分布明显不同。当采用刚性桩复合地基时,桩顶反力较小,所产生的底板弯矩分布更接近于采用弹性地基梁所得的弯矩图;当采用复合桩基时,桩作为结构的一部分,桩顶荷载较大,底板弯矩分布更接近于连续梁产生的弯矩叠合底板整体弯曲变形所产生的弯矩。 In this paper, the finite element method is used to study the settlement, floor and pile foundation under two different forms of the composite foundation including the rigid pile with the bottom and the pile with the bottom. Relying on the actual case and parameter analysis, this paper focuses on the analysis of the similarities and differences between the two forms in order to facilitate future engineering design. The analysis shows that the settlement of the two cell bodies is similar, but the stress of the pile and the bending moment of the bottom plate are obviously different. When the rigid pile composite foundation is used, the reaction force of the pile top is smaller, and the resulting bending moment distribution of the bottom plate is closer to the moment diagram obtained by using the elastic foundation beam. When using the composite pile foundation, the pile as a part of the structure, The load is larger and the bending moment distribution of the bottom plate is closer to the bending moment caused by the overall bending deformation of the bending moment superimposed on the continuous beam.
目前市场上应用的干扰素 (IFN )品种很多 ,现将 1995年 5月~ 1999年 5月间用基因工程干扰素α 1b(赛若金 )治疗慢性乙型肝炎 2 7例的资料总结如下。材料与方法一、病例选择随机选
1 临床资料 1.1 我院自1978~1995年共收治新型隐球菌脑膜炎(隐脑)24例,全部住院外误诊,仅3例入院时确诊。男11例,女13例,年龄2.5~65岁,平均32.4岁,以青壮年为多。同时合并有免
美国陆军最近正在加紧筹集资金为其M1A2主战坦克研制一种新型发动机,以便降低发动机的使用和维护费用。 通用动力公司地面系统部生产的M1系列的所有车辆目前均采用特克斯特