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我看见阳光在奔跑窗外,有一千双翅膀在飞翔,在扑腾。有一万朵玫瑰在燃烧,在舞蹈。事实上,窗外的景象,简单得只剩下一地阳光。阳光在追逐,一群跟随着另一群,升腾的火焰一次次敲打着窗棂。此刻,我就站在窗口,看见一缕穿过了花园的围墙,一缕,抵达了我的心扉。那一千双翅膀里,有蝴蝶的晶莹,有蜜蜂的透明。羽翅上闪动的露珠,七彩之光把我淹没。窗外的大花园,空荡荡的时间上就这么停留着一片片阳光,在不断增加厚度。搬开其中一层,玫瑰的枝桠上,风在摇 I saw the sun outside the running window, with a thousand pairs of wings flying and thumping. Ten thousand roses are burning and dancing. In fact, the scene outside the window, simply enough to leave the sun alone. Sunshine in the chase, followed by a group of another, ascending flame repeated beating the window. At the moment, I stood by the window and saw a ray of thread through the garden’s wall, a ray of mine, reaching my heart. That one thousand pairs of wings, there are crystal butterfly, a transparent bees. Dew on the wing feathers, colorful light flooded me. Outside the window of the large garden, empty time so stuck in a piece of sunshine, increasing the thickness. Move away one of the branches, the rose’s branches, the wind shaking
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3月28日,两架B-2隐形战略轰炸机从美国密苏里州怀特曼空军基地起飞,奔袭1.04万公里,到韩国群山直岛射击场投下8枚教练弹后,没有降落,经过空中加油,直接返回,总计飞行时间75小时,花费210万美元。  此间,代号“秃鹫”的韩美联合军事演习正在进行,B-2在朝鲜半岛的亮相,被外界视作韩美对朝鲜发出的又一“战争警告”。  造价22亿美元的B-2隐形轰炸机,能携带核武器,貌似飞翔中的蝙蝠,故得“黑色
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