
来源 :财会月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tommy0229
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当前和今后的工会工作任务很重。进一步搞好工会经费的收管用,为开展工会工作提供比较雄厚的物质基础,是顺利完成各项任务的重要保证。但从这几年的情况来看,一个突出问题是各地发展不平衡,很多地区收缴率一直上不去。这个问题不解决,就会在很大程度上制约一些地区工会工作的发展。当前,应当切实抓好以下几方面的工作: 一、要采取措施,大力提高工会经费的收缴率。要把工会经费的收缴工作,提到增强群众观念,维护职工群众具体利益的高度来认识。各级领导同志要亲自抓,经审、财务配合抓,依靠和组织各有关部门齐心协力抓。工会和行政都要按工会法办事,依法计拨和收缴工会经费。工会要积极争取有关方面的支持,严于执法,敢于碰硬。湖南省工会经费收缴工作一直抓得很得力。近三年就收回欠交的工会经费2800万元,收缴率居全国各省(区、市)的首位。各地工会也加强了这方面的工 The tasks of the current and future unions are heavy. To further improve the collection and administration of trade union funds and provide a relatively solid material foundation for the work of trade unions, it is an important guarantee for the successful fulfillment of various tasks. However, judging from the past few years, one outstanding problem has been the uneven development in various places, and the collection rate in many areas has been on the increase. If this issue is not resolved, the development of trade union work in some areas will be largely constrained. At present, we should do a good job in the following aspects: First, we must take measures to greatly enhance the collection rate of trade union funds. We should understand the work of confiscating trade union funds, referring to the idea of ​​enhancing people’s beliefs and safeguarding the specific interests of workers and staff. Leading comrades at all levels should personally arrest, review by trial and financial cooperation, rely on and organize all relevant departments to make concerted efforts. Trade unions and administrations must act according to the trade union law, allocating and collecting union funds according to law. The trade unions must actively seek the support of the parties concerned, be strict with law enforcement and be bold in tackling the situation. The collection of labor union funds in Hunan Province has been very effective. In the past three years, 28 million yuan of unutilized union funds have been collected, ranking first in all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in the country. Labor unions in all parts of the country have also stepped up their work in this area
面对当今网络信息业的迅猛发展和全球经济的推动 ,我国消费类电子信息产品水平也迅速提高 ,在全国各行业中呈现出最快的发展势头。据专家预测 ,我国“十五”期间 ,将是消费类