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从前,有一个人装满了一褡裢面包,背在肩上走向广阔的世界去寻找真理。他走啊走啊,最后到了一座高高的山上。山上盘旋着许多蜿蜒崎岖的小路,他走向其中的一条。一会儿,那条路消失了。这个人走进密林深,坐在木头上休息。不久,树林中出现了一个人,衣衫褴褛,留着长发,脸色苍白,上前来问道: Once upon a time, a man filled a loaf of bread and carried his shoulders to the vast world to find the truth. He walked and walked, and finally got to a high hill. There are many winding roads hovering over the hill, and he walks toward one of them. For a moment, that road disappeared. This man went deep into the jungle and sat down on the wood. Soon, there was a man in the woods, dressed in rags, with long hair and pale, and came forward and asked:
Hundreds of years ago,aRoman arrny came northfrom England to make waron Scotland.The Scots,abrave people,loved theircountry very much.Theyfought hard to drive
Brown was very proud of his young son.Once he was talking to visitor.telling the Brown was very proud of his young son.Once he was talking to visitor.telling t
阳光落在眼皮上,有轻微的灼痛感,我皱了皱眉头,在king size的床上翻了个身,意识逐渐归位。床下散落着我的鞋子、外套、手包,空气里有温暖的米粥的香气以及煎蛋的滋滋声——这
Iam en la lando Mara vivis homo elKsatrija klaso,kiu suferis de grava malsano kajestis mortonta.Li do ordonis al la du filoj:“Post mia forpaso vi dividu la he
Ⅰ■e maro estis bela, bel-ega knab-ino.■iaj oku-loj* estis tre grandaj kaj brilaj.Oni sentis, kekvazaǔ■iaj okuloj parolus! Sed, bedaǔr-inde,■i estismuta*
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