Study on Processing Technology of Preserved Fruit from Dioscorea alata Linn.

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[Objective] To optimize the processing technology of preserved fruit from Dioscorea alata. [Method] Dioscorea alata from Hainan was taken as test material and treated with compound color-preserving reagents, then dried by microwave method, blowing method and microwave-blowing method respectively. [Result]The optimum process for the production of high quality preserved fruit of Dioscorea alata was as follows: Dioscorea alata slice in the size of 3.0 cm×5.0 cm×(0.3-0.5)cm, which was treated with compound color-preserving reagent (0.075% VC, 0.300% citric acid and 0.600% common salt) for 4 hours, and soaked in 1.000% citric acid invert sugar solution for 12 h, then blowing dried for 1 h at 70 ℃ and for 9-11 h at 60 ℃, cooled down and vacuum packed (0.08 MPa).[Conclusion] This study provides theoretical basis for the industrialized production and further development of Dioscorea alata. [Objective] To optimize the processing technology of preserved fruit from Dioscorea alata. [Method] Dioscorea alata from Hainan was taken as test material and treated with compound color-preserving reagents, then dried by microwave method, blowing method and microwave-blowing method respectively . [Result] The optimum process for the production of high quality preserved fruit of Dioscorea alata was as follows: Dioscorea alata slice in the size of 3.0 cm × 5.0 cm × (0.3-0.5) cm, which was treated with compound color-preserving reagent (0.075% VC, 0.300% citric acid and 0.600% common salt) for 4 hours, and soaked in 1.000% citric acid invert sugar solution for 12 h, then blow dried for 1 h at 70 ° C and for 9-11 h at 60 ° C, cooled down and vacuum packed (0.08 MPa). [Conclusion] This study provides theoretical basis for the industrialized production and further development of Dioscorea alata.
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