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  1. 排除再推法:对于难度较大的题,一时不知道选哪一个。这时要逐个试填,如果还不行就推出四个词的别的意思,然后选取组成最好语境的选项。例如:
  Giving up my job to go back to fulltime education was a big , but now I know it was the best decision I have ever made. (湖北)
  A. projectB. commitment
  C. competitionD. ambition
  2. 删除拓展法:通过删除一些次要成分或从句;或者将原句拓展成复合句、并列句或并列复合句,对照选项就能选出最佳答案。例如:
  an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later. (江苏)
  A. BasedB. Basing
  C. BaseD. To base
  动词base与逻辑主语you之间构成主谓关系,所以用现在分词作状语。可将 an important decision more on emotion than on reason补全为If you base an important decision more on emotion than on reason就容易些了,答案:B。
  3. 变化还原法:把整句的顺序如倒装式、强调式或疑问式的题干变换为陈述句,再选就容易多了。例如:
  Only then how much damage had been caused.(陕西)
  A. had she realizedB. she realized
  C. did she realizeD. she had realized
  这是考查倒装句,正常顺序为she realized how much damage had been caused但由于句首是only then,所以必须选倒装句式did she realize。答案:C。
  1. Only the opening ceremony of the English Club. The majority of the students were having a class then.
  A. a few people attended
  B. did a few people attend
  C. attended a few people
  D. a few people were attended
  2. I was only joking when I said Mary was silly; who she took it seriously.
  A. thought
  B. had thought
  C. would think
  D. would have thought
  3. 2012 saw sharp increase in productivity, much to surprise of the administrative agency.
  A. the; aB. a; a
  C. a; theD. the; the
  4. —Could you tell me something about the virus, Dr. White?
  —Sure. It via the bloodstream and causes ill health in a variety of organs.
  A. concentratesB. circulates
  C. accumulatesD. accelerates
  5. His ability in mathematics can be considered outstanding, he can figure out different approaches to a very difficult problem in just a few minutes.
  A. whileB. so
  C. forD. but
  6.It is many people, have come to apply for the job , not fit for the job.
  A. who; who do I think is   B. that; I think is
  C. that; who I think are
  D. who; that I think are
  7. It was in her hometown, Jilin Province she grew up several snowstorms happened.
  A. that; whereB. where; that
  C. which; whatD. what; which
  8. —Where did you find him?
  —It was in the hotel he stayed.
  A. thatB. where
  C. whatD. which
  9. The teacher helped them in time, otherwise they able to solve the problem.
  A. had never have been
  B. would never have been
  C. had never had been
  D. should never have been
  10. Their suggestion is that the wounded soldiers to hospital at once.
  A. be sentB. is sent
  C. was sentD. should send
  11. Not until he retired from teaching three years ago having a holiday abroad.
  A. he had consideredB. had he considered
  C. he consideredD. did he consider
  12. , he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.
  A. Quiet a student as he may be
  B. Quiet student as he may be
  C. Be a quiet student as he may
  D. Quiet as he may be a student
  13. , mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
  A. However late is he
  B. However he is late
  C. However is he late
  D. However late he is
  14. The days are gone physical strength was all you needed to make a living.
  A. whenB. that
  C. whereD. which
  15. Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, , of course, made all the others upset.
  A. whoB. which
  C. whatD. that
  16. She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students allows them to communicate freely with each other.
  A. whichB. where
  C. whatD. who
  17. His writing is so confusing that its difficult to make out it is that he is trying to express.
  A. thatB. how
  C. whoD. what
  18. Modern science has given clear evidence smoking can lead to many diseases.
  A. whatB. which
  C. thatD. where
  19. The village is quite different from it was ten years ago.
  A. thatB. which
  C. whatD. where
  20. Youll see to it everything is ready in time.
  A. whatB. that
  C. whetherD. how
  21. Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier into small pieces.
  A. breakB. breaking
  C. brokenD. to break
  22. China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from in the South China Sea.   A. attacking
  B. having attacked
  C. being attacked
  D. having been attacked
  23. The picture on the wall is painted by my husband.
  A. is hangingB. is hung
  C. hangingD. hung
  24. — you interrupt now? Cant you see Im on the phone?
  —Sorry Sir, but its urgent.
  A. CanB. Should
  C. MustD. Would
  25. —That must have been a long trip.
  —Yeah, it us a whole week to get there.
  A. takesB. has taken
  C. tookD. was taking
  26. She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the child everything!
  A. had been eatingB. had eaten
  C. have eatenD. have been eating
  27. —Can I call you back at two oclock this afternoon?
  —Im sorry, but by then I to Beijing.
  A. flyB. will fly
  C. will be flyingD. am flying
  28. They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house .
  A. is being rebuiltB. has been rebuilt
  C. is rebuiltD. has rebuilt
  29. In order to find the missing child , villagers all they can over the past five hours.
  A. didB. do
  C. had doneD. have been doing
  30. Carbon dioxide is said the earth twice as quickly as previously feared.
  A. to be heatedB. to be heating
  C. to have heatedD. to have been heated
  1—5 ADCBC6—10 DBBBA11—15 DBDAB
  16—20 ADCCB21—25 DCCCC26—30 BCADB
恩里克·格拉纳多斯(Enrique Granados,1867-1916)是十九世纪西班牙民族乐派的奠基人,是西班牙最伟大的浪漫主义钢琴家、作曲家、音乐教育家。他创作的作品范围包括钢琴曲、