Rapamycin和cyclosporin A对同种排斥过程中TLR5及Foxp3表达的影响

来源 :细胞与分子免疫学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pangjunli
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目的:研究雷帕霉素(Rapamycin,RAPA)和环孢素A(cyclosporin A,CsA)体内处理对同种移植小鼠急性排斥过程中TLR5及Foxp3表达的影响。方法:建立同种皮肤移植模型,术后给予RAPA或CsA,1次/d,连续14d,同时设生理盐水对照组。每日观察移植物存活状况。术后选取1、7、10、14、21d共5个时间点,提取受体小鼠脾细胞,RT-PCR检测TLR5及Foxp3mRNA表达,探讨不同处理组基因表达与移植物生存的相关性。体外实验利用鞭毛蛋白(flagellin)联合RA-PA和CsA处理正常小鼠T细胞6h,RT-PCR检测TLR5表达。结果:RAPA和CsA可明显延长小鼠同种移植皮片存活期。RAPA可促进脾细胞TLR5mRNA表达升高,停药后的第21天仍明显高于CsA组和对照组(P<0.05);CsA组在第7、10天有显著升高,第21天降低(P<0.05);3组中最高表达的时间点为移植后第10天,此时正值排斥高峰期。RAPA可引起Foxp3mRNA的表达升高(P<0.05),停药后仍维持较高水平;CsA组仅在移植后第7、10天短暂升高,第14天低于对照组(P<0.05)。移植后1、7、10、21d3组的TLR5与Foxp3mRNA变化趋势正相关。体外实验中,RAPA或CsA与flagellin联合使用,可促进TLR5的表达,以前者的作用更为明显。结论:RAPA和CsA在同种移植急性排斥高峰期可引起TLR5和Foxp3表达的协同升高,且RAPA的作用更加明显和持久,鞭毛蛋白体外可以增强这种作用效果。 Objective: To investigate the effects of Rapamycin (RAPA) and cyclosporin A (CsA) treatment on the expression of TLR5 and Foxp3 during acute rejection in allograft mice. Methods: Allogeneic skin graft model was established. RAPA or CsA was given once a day for 14 consecutive days. Meanwhile, normal saline control group was established. Daily observation of graft survival. At 5, 7, 10, 14, and 21 days after operation, the spleen cells of recipients were extracted and the expressions of TLR5 and Foxp3 mRNA were detected by RT-PCR. The correlation between gene expression and graft survival was analyzed. In vitro experiments T cells of normal mice were treated with flagellin combined with RA-PA and CsA for 6h. The expression of TLR5 was detected by RT-PCR. Results: RAPA and CsA could significantly prolong the survival of mice skin allografts. RAPA could promote the expression of TLR5mRNA in splenocytes, and the level of TLR5mRNA in splenocytes was significantly higher than that in CsA group and control group on the21stday (P <0.05); CsA group was significantly increased on the7th and10th days and decreased on the21nd day P <0.05). The time point of the highest expression in the three groups was the 10th day after transplantation, at which time the peak value of exclusion was positive. RAPA caused a significant increase in Foxp3mRNA expression (P <0.05), and maintained a high level after stopping the treatment. CsA only transiently increased on the 7th and 10th days after transplantation, and decreased on the 14th day (P <0.05) . There was a positive correlation between TLR5 and Foxp3mRNA in 1,7,10,21d3 group after transplantation. In vitro experiments, RAPA or CsA combined with flagellin can promote the expression of TLR5, the role of the former is more obvious. CONCLUSION: RAPA and CsA can induce the synergistic increase of TLR5 and Foxp3 expression at the peak of acute rejection in allograft, and the effect of RAPA is more obvious and persistent. Flagellin can enhance this effect in vitro.
学习了高中数学试验修订本第二册下B第九章空间向量及其运算后 ,笔者认为以向量为工具 ,解决立体几何中求角度、距离等问题 ,减少了辅助线的添加 ,避开了一些较复杂的空间想象
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摘 要:本文通过分析当前农村中学学生学习过程中存在的一些问题,积极探索解决途径,改进教学方法,为学生提供更多的语言实践机会,努力提高农村英语教学的质量。  关键词:兴趣;质量;效率;氛围  在农村中学如何进行课改?如何稳步提高农村初中英语教学的质量?这些都是广大英语教师值得深思的问题,也是摆在我们老师面前十分艰巨的任务。农村的学生对学习英语的积极性不高,有的甚至不愿意学习英语,造成学困生越来越多,
随着新课程标准的实施,数学课堂教学,已由单纯传授知识与技能转向同时关注学生学习的过程和方法,关注学生潜在个性的挖掘与开发,关注学生的可持续发展。因此,数学课堂教学的方式方法也在实践中不断探索、不断改进,不仅关注教师是否教的“有效”,而且还关注学生是否学的“有效”,只有师生有效的相互促进与发展,才能达到各环节“有效”的目的。  一、课前准备,树立“有效”理念  教学观念直接影响课堂教学效率,没有先进