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第十届状态监测和诊断工程管理国际会议(10th International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management,简称COMADEM’97)于1997年6月8日~11日在芬兰Espoo市的赫尔辛基技术大学举行。来自23个国家的195名代表参加了这次会议。COMADEM国际会议1988年首次在英国伯明翰大学召开,以后每年一届,是目前状态监测系列国际会议中规模较大的一个。 一、大会概况 COMADEM’97国际会议由芬兰国家技术研究中心(VTT)、赫尔辛基技术大学(Helsinki University of Technology)、芬兰维修学会(Finish Maintenance Society)和瑞典维修管理中心(Scandinavian Center for Maintenance Management)联合举办。大会主席是英国COMADEM International的R. K. N. Rao教授和芬兰国家技术研究中心的K.Holmberg博士。R. K. N. Rao教授是COMADEM国际会议的发起人之一和历届COMADEM会议 The 10th International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM’97) was held at Helsinki University of Technology in Espoo, Finland, from June 8 to 11, 1997. 195 delegates from 23 countries attended the meeting. The first International Conference of COMADEM was held at the University of Birmingham in 1988, and once a year thereafter, it is the larger one in the series of state monitoring conferences. I. Overview of the Conference The COMADEM’97 International Conference was jointly organized by the VTT, Helsinki University of Technology, Finish Maintenance Society and the Scandinavian Center for Maintenance Management Organized. The President of the Conference is Professor R. K. N. Rao from COMADEM International in the UK and Dr. K. Holmberg from the Finnish National Technology Research Center. Professor R. K. N. Rao is one of the co-sponsors of the COMADEM International Conference and the previous COMADEM Conference
上海市肿瘤研究所与扬州农学院合作,在国内首次研制成功复制型HBV(adr)基因转基因小鼠模型。这一成果不久前通过了上海市卫生局组织的专家鉴定。 Shanghai Cancer Institut
The Gabal Marwa area is located in the southeastern part of Sinai,Egypt.It comprises gneisses and migmatites,granodiorites and monzogranites.Field,petrographic,
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建立了检测HHV-6病毒特异DNA的PCR方法,对43份健康献血员外周血淋巴细胞DNA进行了检测,HHV-6病毒DNA的阳性率为18.6%。同时从HHV-6中国分离株CH3中克隆到其主要衣壳蛋白(MCP)基因片段,并进行了序列分析和同源性比较。 A PC
超塑性是指某些材料在加热时可将自身的长度拉伸几倍左右.在地球地幔中的矿石一般是不能忍受这样的拉伸长度,但最近日本Tokyo大学的Takebiko Hiraga教授和日本国家新材料研究