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一、牙刷的选择。牙刷是口腔卫生保健用具,只有选用符合口腔卫生要求的保健牙刷,才能保证刷牙的效果,并且不损伤牙齿及牙周组织。保健牙刷有3个特点:一是刷头小,在口腔中转动灵活;二是刷毛排列合理,一般是3~4排,便于清洁牙齿和刷牙后牙刷本身的清洗,刷毛选用优质尼龙丝,细而有弹性;三是刷毛的顶端磨圆,刷牙时不损伤牙齿和牙龈。二、牙膏的选择。应选用含氟牙膏为主,兼用其它牙膏。含氟牙膏不仅有抑制牙菌斑的作用,而且可以保护牙齿的釉质,增强牙齿的抗酸能力,预防龋齿。三、刷牙用水的温度。牙齿适宜在30℃~36℃口温下进行正常新陈代谢。因此,刷牙时若不讲究水温,牙齿长时间受 First, the choice of toothbrush. Toothbrush is oral health care appliances, only the use of health care toothbrush in line with oral hygiene requirements, to ensure brushing effect, and does not damage the teeth and periodontal tissue. Health toothbrush has three characteristics: First, the brush head is small, flexible rotation in the mouth; second is a reasonable arrangement of bristles, usually 3 to 4 rows, easy to clean teeth and toothbrushes after brushing their own cleaning, use high quality nylon bristles, fine While flexible; Third, the top of the bristles rounded, brushing your teeth and gums do not hurt. Second, the choice of toothpaste. Should be used mainly fluoride toothpaste, and other toothpaste. Fluoride toothpaste not only inhibit the role of plaque, but also to protect the enamel teeth, enhance the ability of teeth acid-resistant, prevention of dental caries. Third, brush the temperature of water. Teeth suitable for 30 ℃ ~ 36 ℃ mouth temperature normal metabolism. Therefore, brush your teeth if not pay attention to water temperature, teeth for a long time by
阐述了 IP多播技术 ,分析了多播传输所必要的多播协议和体系结构等技术特征 ,讨论了 IP多播的运行机制 ,研究了运用交换机实现多播的技术 ,概述了使用阿尔卡特三层交换机在网
1.锐积运算阵列 我们定义立方组元的另一种运算,这种运算称为“位交”运算,用符号“●”表之,立方组元的位交运算规则为: (1)立方组元的位交运算按表1所示的运算表进行。 1