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素有“扬子第一窗口”之称的南通港客运总公司,转变思想观念,调整经营策略,主动投入客运市场,使各项工作充满新意。公司连续三年人均创利税超万元,名列全国水路客运港站前茅。今年1~7月,公司总收入又比去年同期上升51%,经济效益和社会效益稳步增长。 客运市场放开以后,出现大办交通的热潮,传统的港口水路客运受到了前所未有的冲击和挑战。为了求得生存和发展,南通港客运总公司认真分析了客运市场的变化,明确提出要转变“港老大”思想,增强市场意识、忧患意识和创优意识。他们打破“等客上门”的旧传统,树立服务上门的新方针。在票务发售工作上大胆改革,立足南通、挺进苏北、开发江南,先后开展了订票、送票上门等业务,在淮阴、盐城、张家港等地设立了30多个客票代售点,力争用最快的速度、最简便的手续、最方便的途径,使旅客买到客票。 Known as the “Yangtze first window,” said the Nantong Port Passenger Corporation, change ideas, adjust business strategy, take the initiative into the passenger market, so that the work is full of new ideas. For three consecutive years the company profits per capita profits over 10,000 yuan, ranked the forefront of the country’s waterway passenger port. From January to July this year, the company’s total revenue increased by 51% over the same period of last year, showing steady growth in economic and social benefits. After the liberalization of the passenger transport market, there emerged a craze for traffic. The traditional port waterway passenger transport has been hitherto unpredicted and challenged. In order to survive and develop, Nantong Port Passenger Transport Corporation has carefully analyzed the changes in the passenger transport market, clearly stated that it is necessary to change the thinking of “Hong Kong Boss” and enhance the awareness of the market, the sense of crisis and the sense of excellence. They break the old tradition of “waiting for visitors” and set a new guideline for their service. In the ticket sale of bold reform, based in Nantong, advance North Jiangsu, the development of southern China, has launched a booking, sending home delivery and other services in Huaiyin, Yancheng, Zhangjiagang and other places set up more than 30 ticket outlets, and strive to use The fastest speed, the most convenient procedures, the most convenient way to allow passengers to buy tickets.
【摘要】开头是展现给阅卷者的第一缕“阳光”,考生尤需悉心打造。它不仅奠定了行文的基调,而且也带给阅卷者一份好心情;而文章的结尾,就像一首优美的乐曲终了,当以“余音绕梁,三日不绝于耳”为最妙,好的结尾既可在结构上保证文章的完整,也更应该达到“言有尽而意无穷”的引人回味意境。  【关键词】语文教学;中考作文;开头;结尾  【中图分类号】G4【文献标识码】 C【文章编号】1671-1270(2010)0
[摘要] 导语是与教学内容紧密相关的一个重要的教学步骤。导语设计得如何,往往关系到授课的全局和教学效果的好坏,因此,导语设计在语文教学中起着重要的作用,是开启课堂宝库的金钥匙,并且具有新奇性、艺术性、知识性。导语设计的常见类型有:开门见山直指课题;以情动人;复习旧知识,引出新内容;老师引导学生导入;埋下伏笔,设置悬念;故事、传说、典故、导入法导入等形式。  [关键词] 语文;导语;设计     我