A Study on a Strategy of Penetrating into China by Korean Securities Companies

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  Abstract:Due to capital market’s reform and the movement of the conversion into an international currency of China’s Renminbi,China takes a relatively cautious attitude in opening its securities industry.The foreign securities companies which seek to penetrate into China are currently restricted in terms of a stockholding ratio,business scope or entering into China via a partnership with a China’s local company.
  1 Outlook and Possibility for Entering
  into China1.1 Desire for growth via a partnership between China and
  a foreign firm
  A foreign firm’s advantage in a new business scope will become another source of generating profits.An increase of collaboration between China’s securities firms and their foreign counterparts and the establishment of a joint security firm will facilitate a diversification of a business type.
  Also,a joint venture or a partnership holds a potential advantage in its management technology as well as the exchange of research and human power.
  1.2 Inevitable penetration and development of foreign
  A Chinese securities market as an emerging capital market has a limitless market potential as an advantage in financing via a lasting economic development.A foreign capital securities firm has a risk-averse ability through a distribution investment into diverse regions.A foreign securities firm will get a chance to understand a characteristic of a Chinese market and invest in China via a partnership with its Chinese counterpart.The business scope of managing assets by a foreign capital company has relatively entered a maturity stage and the complimentary in business through a partnership with a Chinese firm will largely increase.In China’s securities industry,foreign stockholders’ role will be gradually highly evaluated and a good number of foreign-affiliated firms will necessarily list their stocks on a Chinese securities market.
  2 A Way of Penetration
  2.1 The only 2 ways for entering into China’s securities
  There is a prerequisite for a Chinese securities market to take a globalization process;standardization and marketization.For that reason,China is forecasted to maintain a regulation of protecting a capital market in China along with capital market reforms for a certain period.The current supervisory regulation and a limited open policy do not allow a foreign-based firm to establish its independent securities company to run a business.Chinese regulatory authorities only allow for two ways to penetrate into a Chinese securities market:either a partnership with a Chinese firm or by purchasing the shares of a Chinese securities firm inside China.In the event of the former,participating in management is limited but the latter is possible to participate in management.However,a firm which considers participating in management by purchasing the shares of a Chinese securities firm in China must keep in mind that it takes more than 2 years to do so.Thus,it is critical to make a thorough investigation prior to penetration into a Chinese securities market,set up a development plan to meet a futuristic strategy and clearly select the things which can be done and the things that are to be done.
  2.2 Entering into a Chinese securities industry via
  restructuring of China’s securities firm
  In the past,China’s securities firms were comparatively in a disadvantageous position in opening a global financial market.The firms were opaque and hugely untrustworthy in accounting or management as a whole,which restricted an efficient capital management.What is most important is that Korea-affiliated financial organizations must make a thorough preparation for the sphere in which they can do the best and not lose a favorable opportunity for them to penetrate into a Chinese market.
  2.3 Consideration on penetration into a Chinese
  market via Investment Bank business
  As a strategy of capturing a niche market,Korean financial institutions have performed real estate project financing,investment on NPL and PRE-IPOs.As the openness of the Chinese authorities is judged to be difficult to develop at a fast speed,it is judgingly desirous that Korea-based financial organizations must enlarge their research and investment on IB businesses via a partnership with a global maker or a local financial body in China.
  [1]Korea Securities Dealers Association,Analysis of Financial Market in China2008
  [2]Woori Investment & Securities Company,Research Paper,2008
  [3]HanHwa Securities Company,Research Paper,2008
2月15日,博纳国际影业集团董事长于冬、香港导演兼监制陈可辛与内地导演兼监制黄建新在北京共同宣布“人人电影公司”正式成立。人人电影公司(Cinema Popular)由陈可辛与黄建新一起组建的“我们制作”工作室与博纳影业旗下的保利博纳电影发行有限公司共同成立。国家广播电影电视总局电影局局长童刚、副局长张宏森、毛羽、喇培康,中国电影集团董事长韩三平、上海文广新闻传媒集团总裁黎瑞刚、北京市文化创意产业
美国通用汽车公司这家陷入空前危机的“百年老店”如今正依靠《变形金刚2:卷土重来》的机器人为旗下品牌做广告,期待“卷土重来”。  在今年2月的芝加哥车展上,通用汽车公司旗下的雪佛兰推荐了将在今夏推出的《变形金刚2:卷土重来》中亮相的各类新汽车,如雪佛兰2010款Camaro量产版车型,影片中是“大黄蜂”;“摇摆”(Jolt)则是雪佛兰2011款Volt跑车,这是一款新能源技术下的电动环保概念车;“横
虽然同性恋内容是影片难以回避的部分,不过《米尔克》(Milk)的根本主题还是关于自由与民权的奋斗,其内敛而不事张扬的叙事风格也在一定程度上强化了作品的严肃性。这注定了本片难以具有广泛的市场影响力。  《米尔克》改编自美国历史上首位公开身份的同性恋政治家的真实事迹。故事开始于1978年,旧金山的政府监督员哈维·米尔克在参加反对歧视同性恋的公共集会前录下遗言,讲述了自己从一个普通的同性恋者到走上政治舞
梦工厂(DreamWorks)终于找到了东家。2月10日,公司与迪士尼(Disney)正式签署了长期的合作协议。后者将通过其旗下的试金石公司(Touchstone)发行梦工厂制作的电影,并为其电影融资提供支持。  其实早在去年夏天,梦工厂的另一位创始人大卫格芬(David Geffen)就曾与迪士尼达成过类似的协议,不过斯皮尔伯格还是决定带着公司投奔环球(Universal)。然而几天前双方的谈判
透过“不懈”的生动影像,《贫民窟的百万富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire)在南亚次大陆的幕布上描绘了一个爱情与成长的故事。这是一部异常圆熟、极富娱乐性且动人的文艺佳作。自去年11月上映以来,该片在北美的票房已接近8000万美元,全球收入也突破了1亿美元大关。  自1996年的经典影片《猜火车》(Trainspotting)之后,始终游走在主流与边缘之间的英国导演丹尼·博耶尔(Danny
2009年奥斯卡争夺战的一大突出特点就是“经典回归”。在这一次的“回归”浪潮中,最大放异彩的当属男星米基·洛克,阔别影坛多年之后,这位老将凭借影片《摔跤手》卷土重来并最终杀入奥斯卡竞技场。而继洛克之后,回归奥斯卡的第二大“经典”可能就要属曾经奉献过《泰坦尼克号》的视觉效果公司Digital Domain(以下简称“DD”)了。  1993年,工业光魔(Industrial Light & Magi
美国环球影城计划斥巨资在北京建主题公园,目前正等待相关部门的审批。  据媒体报道,这个项目将落户北京通州区,由环球影城和首旅集团共同出资,这一消息得到了当地政府的证实。据悉,首旅集团将持有多数股份,成为大股东,双方各出资7.5亿美元左右。环球影城项目已上报国务院审批,鉴于经济发展减速,政府正寻求通过一系列措施刺激经济增长,这一项目获批的前景一片光明。  2009年1月,迪士尼称已向中国政府递交申请
在奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳男女主角这些最具分量的奖项上,明星大腕儿们的竞争一向惨烈;即使是在最佳改编剧本奖和最佳原创剧本奖这些相对“幕后”的奖项上也暗流涌动,风云变幻。  争夺最佳改编剧本奖的战场经常都是“老兵”们的天下,他们在这方面往往更有经验和实力,更不要提个个还有自己的“杀手锏”,因此,最佳改编剧本奖的归属的悬念相对要小一些。几乎每一年在争夺奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖时,都会有一匹甚至几匹黑马横空出世
在2009年的奥斯卡争夺战中,上世纪70年代崛起的电影舵手失去统治地位,让位于更为年轻的一代,虽然乔纳森·戴米和克林特·伊斯特伍德仍顺利进入提名名单之列,但包括西德尼·鲁迈特、马丁·斯科塞斯和斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格在内的老牌导演都名落孙山,只有看热闹的份儿。毫无疑问,老牌导演的缺席为新生代力量提供了一个展示自我的舞台,并让他们迅速成为媒体和公众关注的焦点。  在2008年科恩兄弟(54岁的乔尔和51岁