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  Pleasant Gourmet Experience
  We had our lunch at Fayun's own restaurant. The first dish Shrimp Salad, the main dish Lambchop with Red Wine or Roast Spring Chicken with Almond Slices as well as dessert Chocolate Mousse; all these dishes are above the normal level of top hotel. Two dishes impressed me the most. One is the special bread basket, which served a kind of white bread with triangle shape similar to Ningbo rice cake and paved the baked agrocybe cylindracea above the bread, and it was very sweet and delicious when eating with olive oil and vinegar, and it was served in a Chinese style hexagon dessert basket together with toast; and Croissant, with the fluffy and melt-in-the-mouth texture, immediately reminded me of the Croissant of my breakfast at Amanjiwo in 2008, which fluffy and crisp texture was almost the same as this one. The second one is a special cocktail added with crushed Osmanthus, with base flavor of vodka, taste of orange or mango and Osmanthus-liked color, and it is very suitable for drinking in Autumn with a little bit dry. I like this method of using local materials, and Aman is adept at this method.
  We had the dinner with small meal at the Steamed Food Restaurant, where served simple but full-flavored dishes. As the name suggests, Steamed Food Restaurant serves steamed dishes, for which sauce and food materials freshness are important. We ordered Opium Fish with Chopped Chili and Steamed Vegetable Heart with Preserved Vegetable; both dishes were fresh, tender, health maintenance, delicious and deserved recommendation. Having dined and wined to satiety, our stomach felt satisfied. In the evening, bright moon hung in the sky, cicadas sang happily; the mountain is silent like that in the remote antiquity; however, we didn't dislike the day as long as a year; on the contrary, we only felt the day is too short.
  Little by little time slipped away, we did not even feel it in the mountain. With an end table, a pot of Longjing tea, a bed with cirrus cloud pattern, we removed weeds in the field in the morning and returned with a hoe on shoulder under the moonlight. This kind of life seemingly simple and dull, but it actually is a luxury beyond a busy world. I wrote several words just before parting: Only in the mountain under deep cloud, can quietly enjoy the beauty of slowness. Farewell, Amanfayun!
  A top hotel should bring about enough comfort level and sense of beauty, and also should awaken people's deep perception and resonance to historical humanism.
  Aman is more restraining and dignified, and all Aman employees are dedicated to creating such cultural atmosphere, rather than only seeking the high-end luxury. )
Solano餐厅为宾客提供独特的自助式早餐和晚餐,精致的餐厅设计融合了摩洛哥的本土艺术,采用现代元素和精巧的景观园景,设在露天平臺之上,供宾客俯瞰度假村的喷泉美景。  餐厅沿用主厨的个人的家庭食谱,让您在北非的旅途中也能感受到来自意大利半岛的暖流。  In an elegant decor combining Moroccan artwork with more contemporary elem
被17公頃暗香疏影、苍翠欲滴的花园而环绕着的马拉喀什四季度假酒店提供各式娱乐服务,包括设备齐全的健身中心,葱郁宽敞的网球场。完美而精致的水疗馆则融合了中东传统疗法和当地西方特色疗法,在享受完美服务的同时体验各式娱乐。简洁而高雅的室外活力设施,拥有两个独立的游泳池,其中之一专为家庭和孩童嬉戏。四季度假村还有一座专为儿童设置的俱乐部和青年中心。  完美服务至上的四季酒店集团,使宾客拥有前所未有的住宿体
伴随着全球会议经济的蓬勃发展,酒店已成为举办会议的重要场所,中国饭店业协会的数据显示,当今世界85%的会议都在酒店举行,因此,会议管理水平将直接决定相关酒店在会议市场中的生存与发展。  2016年3月初,笔者到成都做调研,“西部大都会”、“中国会展之都”的口号吸引了大批大型会议和展览落户于此,这为当地酒店提供了丰富的优质客源。成都会议市场的迅猛发展直接增强了当地酒店在会议市场中角色的重要性,虽然具
Presidential Imperial Suite, the Classical French Style  昏黃的光晕,映射出位于酒店二楼面积达250平米的总统套房,天花板挑高3.6米,还配有85平米超大客厅以及私人厨房、餐厅、独立的办公区域以及室内spa。经由埃德塔特尔之手营造了一个精致、温馨又现代的独特的室内氛围,塔特尔此次设计以法式风格为主,完全符合法国建筑条例,围绕路易十六时期优雅的
Y  ou Can Easily Become an Aman Addict  說起和安缦结识,约可追溯至2008年,初涉职场的黄毛丫头跟着设计泰斗看世界的第一站是印度尼西亚爪洼岛。在Amanjiwo罗马柱环绕的金箔大厅早餐,视线穿过椰林,远及初生的太阳如一颗咸蛋黄不偏不倚从波罗浮屠顶空升起,一霎赤色融入澄蓝,醍醐千年沧桑。是那一刻的震撼,颠覆了对顶级酒店的固有认知。它不仅应带来足够的舒适度与美感
無论天气的好坏都会如期开放的Zest屋顶酒吧,屋顶酒吧位于度假村的中心,为宾客创造了时尚别致的放松气氛,拥有完美的阿特拉斯山脉观景位,欣赏动人心弦的日落景象,俯瞰整座莫纳哈花园的盛景。  餐厅精心准备了餐前和餐后饮品,在这小城中最完美的屋顶上,为自己点上一杯独有的麦地那鸡尾酒,或享受当地特色的日落水烟。  Open when weather permits, the rooftop lounge,
墨西哥金塔纳罗奥州的坎昆市位于尤卡坦半岛东北角,被看作是探索玛雅文明的大门。玛雅语中,“坎昆”意为“挂在彩虹一端的瓦罐”,因阵雨后天边常会出现一道彩虹而得名。这里有争相绽放的奇花异草、形态各异的珍禽异兽和白沙细软的加勒比海滩。美妙的海滩上矗立着世界顶级的度假酒店,它们毗邻大海,用各自的魅力吸引着来自全球的旅者。  Cancun is a city located on the northeast
在服務于全球领域的Anjana Nicolas设计师领导下,马拉喀什四季度假酒店水疗馆巧妙地策划了一座非凡的革新,重新装修了水疗馆并扩张了原有的面积用来种植各种奇珍异宝、芳香而珍贵的药材,让您尽享摩洛哥东方纯美的平静。  由设计师Marc Vanden Bossche重新装修的水疗馆,让摩洛哥的传统文化更加凸显,融合摩洛哥的情感财富与审美。依偎在苍翠繁茂的玫瑰园之中,时而传来啁啾啼啭的鸟鸣声,或聆
天色漸晚,车在竹林深处蜿蜒而上,风过沙嗦,姐歪着头颠簸睡了。我困乏却没睡意,心里有种要和它初次会面,请多指教的仪式感。蓦地抬头,却到了。  小凉亭上木匾刻着:Amanfayun(法云安缦)。和所有被社交软件“绑架”的现代人一样,我们迫不及待拍摄影像。天色暗,牌匾上的灯倏忽亮起来,像是心有灵犀。Yuko小姐的电话登时响起,一口标准普通话介绍自己是法云的公关经理。不多时她从石径走上来,穿着极素净,笑得
AZZERA餐厅隐于度假村最深处,设在宾客热衷的泳池旁,餐厅供宾客享受佳肴美味的同时可远眺池中戏水的俊男美女,Azzera餐厅菜肴选自當地特色的日常饮食以及度假村独家种植于花园之中的蔬菜,为宾客提供一场不落俗套饕餮盛宴。  乘荫于葱郁的橄榄树之下,餐厅的开阔式设计以及紧邻完美的泳池,绝对让宾客尽情享受午餐时光和冰淇淋夏日带来的欢乐。  At the back of the Resort, in a